Hangover 😸

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Everyone was in a shock even the teacher was also shocked. Felix tries to get up but falls . Han helped Felix to get up and Hyunjin got up by himself his lips was bleeding. Felix immediately left the playground and went to the rooftop of the school building.

Felix screams

What the hell........................

Felix: why did this happen its to embarrassing the hole class was laughing. Shhiiiiiitttttt....

Hyunjin went to washroom and was washing his lips. Minho went to medical room for first aid

Hyunjin was screaming in the toilet everyone outside was shocked

Hyunjin: ohhh myyyy goshhhh how can he stole my first kissssss

Minho entered the washing and clean the blood from his lips

Few minutes later ......

Minho trying to control his laugh but he can't hold himself he laughed loudly. Hyunjin made a yelling face...

Hyunjin: whats so funny huhhh

Minho: I am sorry but I can't hold it anymore please let me laugh...

Hyunjin leaves the washroom with embarrassment

All were looking at him like he murdered someone

Every student knew everything the incident it was burning like fire in every class.

Seungmin told everyone to be quiet whats so funny don't laugh it was just a

Everyone went to their classes

Seungmin: Hyunjin I want to say something

Hyunjin: what?!

Seungmin: I can't hold it anymore...

Seungmin bust into laughter and In joined him to...

Han went to the rooftop

Felix: what are you doing here?!

Han: I came to see you. Are you okkk?!

Felix: yeah I am ok but not ok

Han: was it your first kiss?

Felix: what do you mean by kiss it was not a kiss

Han: so what body part do we use while kissing

Han started laughing and he can't stop himself . He was literally rolling in the floor.

Chan and Changbin came and started to tease him.

Felix: hey now stop it already it was an accident

Changbin: ok no one will laugh

As he says everyone started laughing

Felix was very embarrassed

After school Hyunjin was going home when he was opening the door of his droom Felix was also opening his droom's door . They don't talk to eachother but they made an eye contact they started blushing Felix broke the eye contact and went to his room.

Hyunjin enters his room and throws his body on the bed and starts thinking about the accidental kiss. Hyunjin starts to touch his lips and can feel the pain because he got a cut in his lips .

Felix went to washroom and started to wash his face. He touched his lips and was thinking about the kiss.

Felix in thoughts no that was not a kiss heyyyy Felix just forget about it..

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