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It was morning already the sun was shining brightly and two of them where lying in a lost jungle. The sunlight was on Hyunjin's face that made him wake up. Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes and everything infront of him was blury it was quiet dark he saw Felix lying beside him. He tried to wake him but Felix was not waking up he noticed that he was in a jungle and he can't see any buildings and they were not in that location where they were standing but suddenly someone hits his head with something. He can't remember anything what exactly happened.

Hey Felix hey please wake up Hyunjin said with a confused way.

Felix opened his eyes and saw Hyunjin face was near his face he started shouting in shocked way.

Hey you scared me oh my head is paining. Where are we? Felix asked. If l knew where I am I would leave you here and go back home already Hyunjin said. My head is paining very much. I think we are kidnapped Hyunjin said. If we are kidnapped where are the kidnappers the yonger asked. I don't know the older said.

Felix noticed that his expensive watch, wallet, cash and phone everything is gone.

What the hell ?!!! I think we are robbed the younger shouted with his deep voice. Yeah we are robbed because of you Hyunjin said. What do you mean because of me? We are robbed because you are careless Felix shouted. Oh really we are robbed because you took me to Australia and we failed to get contract I stuck in this situation because of you Hyunjin shouted.

They both started arguing and blaming eachother.

Ok I am done its none's fault nor mine nor yours all we have to do is we have to get out of this jungle the older said. Let's find path to cross this jungle. Ok let's start walking.

Hyunjin and Felix walked for hours it was already afternoon. They were hungry and where thirsty. Walking for hours but still couldn't find the road or any house. Felix noticed something.

Wait we are walking at the same place from hours Felix started shouting.

Hyunjin sits down under a tree I can't walk anymore we are walking from hours in a same place wtf is going on the elder said it in frustrated mood.

Felix also sits beside Hyunjin. I am hungry I want to eat something or else I will die the younger said. Suddenly they heard a sound of water. Did you hear something the elder said. Yeah I think we are close to river or something.
Let's go and see what is it the younger replied.

They started walking and making marks on every tree so that they will not walk at the same place again. After a few minutes of walk they saw a small river and a small waterfall.

Oh wow it's beautiful. Let's catch some fish the elder said. I want to take bath the younger said.

Felix started unbuttoning his shirt and opened it. Hyunjin was watching him with focus he was not able to take his eyes off. Hyunjin tried to not see his abs but he focused into his abs. Felix looked at Hyunjin's face and suddenly he slipped but unfortunately Hyunjin grabbed his waist he grabbed him tightly and was very closed to him. Felix can feel Hyunjin's breathing and can smell a familiar smell from him. Hyunjin locked his eyes with Felix. Unfortunately Felix brokes the eye contact. Hyunjin leaves him carefully but unfortunately Hyunjin and Felix both of them slipped into the water and both of them were wet Felix tried cam out of the water after that the elder came of the water and was very close to him. The elder somehow came out and realised that he was very close to Felix and his heart was skipping faster. He looked into the younger's eyes and saw his abs all wet and was shining because of the touch of water. The younger broke the silence.

Are you ok? The younger asked. Yeah I am fine let me take my shirt off or else I will catch cold.

The elder puts his shirt off and hanged it on a rock to let it dry. Hyunjin went to the forest to grab some shap thing to catch fish. Felix took his pants of to let it dry. He took a bath for sometime. Hyunjin returned from forest and tries to catch some fish. Felix came out from the water and helps Hyunjin.

Can you collect some woods? the elder asked. Yeah sure replied in deep voice.

Felix collected some woods and unfortunately the robber didn't robbed his lighter.

All I have is a lighter and nothing else the said in frustrated way. Atleast you came to help in somthing or else I was loosing my hope the elder said. What do you mean? Nothing the taller replies.

They started eating the fish like they have never eaten something from ages. After eating Hyunjin lied down on a big rock. Felix wore his clothes and went near to Hyunjin.

Lets go or else we will be stuck here forever will you like that if its happen the shorter said. Actually I am liking it no work nothing enjoying my life like Tarzan I am happy after many years do you know. I want to live in a peaceful place where I am all alone from this problematic world the elder said in happy way. Oh do you want to live here than I am going the younger said.

Hyunjin grabbed younger's hands tightly and gets up from the rock.

Let's go I don't have any option either.

They started walking again after an hour's of walk they finally got to see a road but the road was totally blank. Suddenly Hyunjin noticed a sign board and realised that they were at royal national park which was near beach and Sydney city was 32 km away. Without transportation its very hard to travel it was night already and was not possible to find someone or transportation. Hyunjin noticed a hut near the roadside.

Lix I there is a hut let's see if someone is there.

They called the owner of the hut but seems like no one live there they opened the hurt door and saw a little dust. Felix removes spider webs. Felix found out a lalten lamp. Luckily it have some oil Felix used lighter and lighten up the hut with the lamp.

We have to stay here for this night the younger said.

The younger gets nothing reply so he turned back and saw Hyunjin was lying in the floor. Felix immediately runs towards him and saw that the elder was heating up. Felix grabbed Hyunjin tightly and took him and the old couch which was a little bit dusty. Felix immediately went to search for some towel and some water. He got old clothes and saw a well which have water he tried to pull out some water from the well and took that in the hut. Hyunjin was shaking because he was feeling cold immediately Felix gives Hyunjin a sponge bath but only with sponge bath nothing would happen. He needs something warm Felix finds out a thin blanket which was not enough to make him warm. Felix immediately took his shirt off and lied down on the couch and grab him tightly and puts the blanket on them he tightly grabbed Hyunjin and tries to give him his body heat to make him feel warm. Hyunjin was shaking because of cold and Felix was grabbing his waist tightly covering him up with his body. It was only way to save Hyunjin. Felix remembered previous moments with Hyunjin. He remembered everything thing they did in their relationship in the past. Tears started falling from his eyes. Hyunjin started mumbling that don't leave me I can't live without you. Felix immediately grabbed him more tightly. Felix started rubbing his hands and his back. Hyunjin started mumbling and told I love you. Felix kissed his head as he can feel his pain that he was missing someone.

After few hours Hyunjin stopped shaking and was all wet because he was hot and was sweating his fever was gone. But still Felix grabs him tightly until he was up.

End of the episode.......................................

What do you think will happen next will they be able to find path lets see in the next chapter.

Comment down your opinion for motivation ☺️

Word count: 1435

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