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Hyunjin was watching the person and was totally in shock the person looks very familiar when he rubbed his eyes properly he saw that the person's hair was black and had a beautiful shiny eyes that was looking into his eyes.

Hyunjin tried to stand up and the person infront of him helped him to stand up. Hyunjin saw the person's face and was totally in shock to knew that the person infront of him was his ex his first love Felix.

Writer: Now from here the real story begins the lovers who were in deep love with eachother were separated from eachother for years because of a misunderstanding

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Writer: Now from here the real story begins the lovers who were in deep love with eachother were separated from eachother for years because of a misunderstanding. The past was really hard for Hyunjin now he get to see his long lost love again who is now his boss and what will Hyunjin do after knowing that Felix is his boss. Hyunjin moved on but suddenly Felix appears again. What will happen next!? If you want to know everything please continue the story now you can say that the story begins and the story just started the past was horrible and lets see what the future says lets read this together? The restart of the story begins from here.

Hyunjin was in shock to see Felix?! Hyunjin exclaimed youuuu. Felix leaves his hands after realising that it was Hyunjin. Felix said I should ask you the same question why are you here? By the way I am your new Boss and this company is now mine. Hyunjin exclaimed what???? All the crowd suddenly started talking and all were confused to hear their conversation. I think we should not talk here infront of all peoples meet me at my office now said Felix. Felix leaves the crowd and headed towards his office room.

Hyunjin have no words to say. Hyunjin who said tommorow that he will move on from his long lost love and now the long lost love is back infront of him and he will see him daily that feeling was making him feel disgusted. Hyunjin went to Felix's office room were Felix was checking some documents. Hyunjin asked what are you doing here? Felix running my business and trying to make this company more successful. Hyunjin said I want to resign. Felix replied But why you want to resign? What will you say in resignation paper that you were my ex boyfriend that's why you resigned?!... Ha ha ha listen forget that I was you somthing in past and don't even try to tell everyone that we know eachother. Ok that's why I am resigning from the office said Hyunjin I will resign and everything would be easier the more we will be away that would be better. Hyunjin was leaving the office but suddenly the younger replied oh I think someone is scared to face me daily.....

Hyunjin immediately stopped in that place and tries to get patience. He immediately turned around and says I am not scared of you I am leaving for now.

Hyunjin leaves the room and called Minho.

Minho was in his office doing his job he picked Hyunjin's call. Hello how can I help you. Hello I Hyunjin. Oh Hyunjin how are you everything is fine. No nothing is fine Hyunjin replied. Wo what happened are ok did something happened to you? Minho asked. Meet me at cafe I will tell you everything. Hyunjin cuts the call and takes his bag and leaves the office but Chan came to him. Hyunjin were are you going Chan asked. I am going meet Minho.Do you know who is the boss of the office?asked Chan. Hyunjin made a disgusted face. Chan why is this happening with me hyunjin said the elder asked what happened why are you so tensed is everything ok did someone said something to you. Felix is back said the younger. He is our boss he brought the company I moved on and now he is here infront of me the elder tried to comfort the younger I know how are you feeling right now I am literally shocked to know why did he brought our company Ok I am going to meet him. The younger holds elders hands wait I am resigning. What why do you have to resign! The elder exclaimed. I can't face him I think I should resign cause it would be good for me.

Before he could say anything at that moment Felix appeared infront of them. So you both work in my office that's great said Felix. Hey how are you? the elder asked. I am fine and hope you two are doing good.
Before Chan could explain Hyunjin interrupt yeah we are going good. I just wanna take a resign. Oh that means you are scared of me Felix said. No one is scared of you. So why are you backing of the younger said to Hyunjin. I am not now you are challenging me. Ok now I have changed my decision I will work here and nothing will change everything will be same as before.
Chan was watching patiently. Ok then do your work as my manager and forget about what happened in the past.

After that Felix went away and Chan said what does he wants why he is back after a sudden disappear. Lets go I have to meet with Minho I will be back in 30 minutes Hyunjin said. Ok I am off to my work then see you after work.

Minho was waiting for him in cafe

Hyunjin appeared

Hey what happened why did you called me in hurry? Asked Minho. He is back. Who? Asked in confused way.

Minho took a sip of coffee

My ex is back.

Minho threw up his coffee on Hyunjin's face

Wait what did you say? When where how?!! Exclaimed Minho in surprised way.

Hyunjin cleans his face with a tissue

Hyunjin said he is our boss. What the hell? How Minho said in a surprised way. And I am his manager from now on I have to manage everything of him. Why don't you resign? I thought I should but it's not a way to leave that company easily cause now I want answers from him why he is back. I think you should find it out Minho said. Should I ask Han for help maybe he can help us. No I will find it out by myself. Ok as your wish best of luck I am getting late I should get back to my work. Yeah I am off to. Wait I will pay it Hyunjin said. Ok as your wish.

Hyunjin went back to his office everyone was gossiping about what happened in morning.

Hyunjin went to his cabin suddenly someone called him. He picked the call. Hello. Please meet me at my cabin. Yeah but who are you? I am your boss save this number. Hyunjin made a disgusted face and went to Felix's office. Hyunjin opened the door.

Can you give me all old files of campaign of this office I have to check everything before starting everything. Ok I am sending anyone said Hyunjin. Why anyone what are you here for go bring what I asked for? Hyunjin went to the store room of the office and saw dozens of files in the store room he picked few files and went to the office. He kept the files on Felix's table only few please bring more. Hyunjin went and brought files again. Ok thanks for helping please help me with it and tell me about the campaign. Hyunjin took a file and said all I know is we have made a great ideas but someone is stealing our ideas. What stealing ideas ? Felix asked. Yeah our ideas and clients are stolen. That means the reason why they sold the company to me is this. This company is getting loss and we have to find out how ideas are getting leaked I think someone in this company is betraying us we have to find out who it is so first thing we to do is checking all pcs laptops in this office lets check all laptops and then pcs. Hyunjin asked that means someone is mixed with our opponent. Who is our opponent? Our opponent is Mr Park. Who he is? He is now became number one in this field Hyunjin said. Oh he will not be able to be at number one I will find out everything don't tell anyone about this in the company ok tell everyone that today is half day and tomorrow is a day off and take their laptops we have to check everyone's laptop. Ok then said Hyunjin.

After that Hyunjin went away and told everyone to leave and kept everyone's laptop.

Felix went to the area where some computer experts where checking everyone's laptop and pcs but he couldn't find any thing. They checked everyones email but they couldn't find any proof. You can go home Hyunjin Felix said. No its ok I will help you. Ok listen tommorow we have a urgent meeting with a client and we have to visit Australia tommorow. Wait what?! Hyunjin exclaimed. We to go Australia tommorow. But suddenly. Before Hyunjin can say anything Felix left see you tommorow be ready I will pick you up.

Hyunjin was shocked at that moment.

End of the episode.........................

Sorry for late update 😭
I have tons of homework because my exams are coming
Please comment down below what can happen next 😆

Word count: 1589

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