Deal 👍

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The doctor made a tensed face.

What happened to my mom? Felix asked. The doctor replied don't worry she was very tensed and her diabetes level was high keep her stress free she will be fine soon.

Felix sits down on the chair with a gasped. 

The doctor leaves and Felix puts his hands on his head. Hyunjin tries to concern his sister. Felix was very stressed his eyes was filled with water. A drop of water fell through his cheeks. Hyunjin puts his hands on Felix's shoulder.

Everything would be fine let's be positive. She will be fine soon. The elder said. How? Nothing is going well in my life nothing at all everything is broken into pieces. I am not a good son I can't even take care of her. I should have listen to her.

Felix leaves and enters in his mother's ward room. His mother was sleeping she was not in scenes Ms Lee opens her eyes slowly.

Are you feeling ok? Felix asked. Yeah I am fine. Let's go home.

At the house

Felix gives his mother medicines and closed the door of his mother's room. As he closes the door he saw Hyunjin was standing infront of him.

I want to tell you something. The elder said.

Hyunjin and Felix went to the balcony.

Look we found out who is leaking our information from office but we are not sure about it. All I knew is he or she is working for our opponent they are giving our employee money to leak information. Let's go back and found out who is it Felix said in his deep voice.

At the morning

Felix was ready to leave and was waiting for Hyunjin. Hyunjin was wearing denem casual outfit. Felix was little attracted to see him like this.

Before I go I want to talk with my mother so wait. The younger said.

Ms Lee calls both of them let's eat breakfast.

Let's eat breakfast first.

Felix and Hyunjin joined with Ms Lee for breakfast. They were eating breakfast but suddenly Felix broke the silence.

Mom I want to say you something. Yeah please tell me Ms Lee said. I need time to think about my marriage I don't know I ready or not but I will tell you my decision later.

Hyunjin was shocked to hear that. Ms Lee was very happy to hear this.

Really ok my boy please take your time but not to much.

Hyunjin drinks the water immediately. Felix eat his breakfast and leaves the dinning area.

Hyunjin let's go back the younger said.

Hyunjin get's up from his sit and thanks Ms Lee for her hospitality. Hyunjin takes all his bag and leaves the house. Felix and Hyunjin reached to airport and they spent the whole journey in a mysterious silence. Hyunjin was finally back to his drome room. He puts his things in the couch and he lies down on his bed and starts thinking about what Felix said earlier.

Next morning at the office

Hyunjin went to his cabin and was little stressed out his hand was shaking a bit but suddenly someone knocks the door it was Chan.

How are you? I am ok. How was your trip by the way. Was good. Why are you looking so stressed somthing happened to you or what. Nothing just jetlag problem I guess. Ok then call me after work we friends will meet.

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