Sudden trip

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Chan was waiting for Hyunjin in a restaurant. Hyunjin came and sit infront Chan. Hey you ok how was your day Chan asked. The day was filled with shocks I never thought many things will happen in one day the younger replied. Seems like something happened what is it? He is taking me to the business meeting with him. Oh that's good you are doing your duty good the elder said. Its good as duty but it's not good for me. I have never thought that I will meet him again at this moment suddenly we are going to Australia tommorow. Chan stopped eating soju. What? You are going to Australia. Yes the meeting is at Australia and we have to leave tommorow. Oh that's good for our company but are you comfortable with it that you two are going. I am going to do my duty that's it and I have already moved on so I have no feelings for him and I will maintain the distance between us as boss and employe and nothing else the younger said. Thats great you moved on but don't forget that he wants something that's why he is back as a friend of him I know him properly he will never let the thing go away easily the elder said. Ok let's change the topic I came here to relieve stress but you are giving me stress. Oh I forgot that Han Minho is joining us to the elder said. Oh call them where are they? I am here Han said. You all are missing me I am very gald to know. Who is missing you? Chan said.

Minho and Han sat down on their sits and order some soju and some food.

So how are you two doing? Hyunjin asked. We are to move on in same drome because during work we are not able to spend our time with eachother that is creating a misunderstanding between us. Get married already its been years now Chan said in funny way. Who is marrying this child first of all he have to grow up for this Minho said in a disgusted face. What do you mean that mine is not big enough Han replied to Minho. Chan and Hyunjin started laughing on them. Minho and Han continued to fight. Hyunjin stopped them anyhow. Hey don't fight we were joking Hyunjin said ok I have to off now tommorow I have flight. Oh where are you going Han asked. I am going to Australia. Wait why? Hyunjin said everything to Han. Oh that means he is back again. Its not good for you
Han said as a friend of Felix I can say he will not leave his precious thing easily. Maintain your distance with him I recommend as your friend. Yeah I have to leave ok bye everyone Hyunjin said.

Hyunjin leaves the restaurant and walk through the streets to his drome he opened the door and find out some drinks and went to sleep. Next morning he washed up and packed his stuffs for the trip. Suddenly his phone started ringing. Hyunjin picked the call and answered.

Hello. Are you ready his boss asked. I am picking you up. Ok I am waiting for you in the bus stop near office. But I told you I will pick you from your drome Felix said. No I will wait at the bus stop please pick me from the bus stop Hyunjin said.

He hangs up and locked his drome and went to the bus stop.

Hyunjin was waiting for Felix. A car stoped near him and the car window was opened slowly it was his boss Felix.
Hyunjin opened the front door of car and sit beside Felix. Felix was wearing a black suit and was looking charming as always. Hyunjin suddenly broke the contact on him and stared at the window and was watching the view to avoid Felix.

Felix broke silence and asked him. How are you doing with Chan? Hyunjin said I am not with anyone. Oh really I thought you both are happy with eachother. Your idea is wrong Hyunjin said.

They finally reached at the airport and went to the flight and switched off his phone.


It's midnight at Australia Hyunjin and Felix checked in hotel of Sydney. Hyunjin went to his hotel room and washed up he ordered some food. Suddenly someone knocked at the door. It was Felix

Get ready we have to go. What at midnight? Hyunjin asked. Yeah we are going to eat something and are going to meet someone. But I ordered something already Hyunjin said. Cancel it lets go. Ok let me be ready. Wear daily dress its just a normal meeting.

Hyunjin gets ready and went to change and wear something normal and went to the waiting area Felix was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. Hyunjin tries ignore him and walked throw the parking were Felix's car was parked.

Where are we going? Hyunjin asked somewhere I can relax.

Hyunjin tries wear seat belt but was suffering then Felix helped him he pull the seat belt from the corner and they made a eye contact Felix was very much closer to him. Hyunjin broke the eye contact and Felix gets back to his seat. Hyunjin got a little shy. Felix drove the car to a club. The music was very loud. Hyunjin and Felix entered to the club. Then someone waved. It was a girl.

Hey Felix. Hey how are you?

The girl came and kissed Felix. Hyunjin was shocked to see it.

Oh who is he? The girl asked oh he is my manager in seoul. Oh hey nice to meet you. I am Gina Felix's fiance.

Hyunjin was little shock to knew.

Yeah nice to meet you Hyunjin replied.
Lets sit let me order something. Felix ordered some shots and started drinking it with the girl.

Hyunjin was feeling a little awkward because of them Hyunjin went to the restroom.

Oh god why I agreed to come here. This so disgusting. Oh f..k ok let's be normal I am not getting affected by it. I should just ignore him. Hyunjin went to the drink stole and ordered some drinks all were dancing at the club DJ was hyping everyone's mood a girl came near Hyunjin. The started talking to him.

Hey handsome boy wanna drink with me. Yeah sure Hyunjin replied. Oh well seems like you don't belong from here. Yeah you are right I am from South Korea Hyunjin said. Oh well you are a handsome boy and looking alone want to have some fun tonight.

The started to come near Hyunjin. But suddenly Felix appears and stopped them.

Hey you are into wrong guy Felix said. What do you mean? The girl asked. He is not into girls.

Hyunjin was shocked.

Wait what? Hyunjin said in shocked way. Lets go Felix said.

Felix holds his hand and went outside of the club in the parking.

Hey leave my hands how can you say that to someone? Hyunjin shouted at him. Don't forget why we are here you are in a business trip Felix said. Oh really so what is your fiance doing in our business trip hyunjin said in angry way. She is here to give we some information about the client we are meeting tomorrow. Ok let's go back to the hotel.

They went to the hotel and went to their own rooms. Hyunjin went to sleep.

Next day

Hyunjin wore a grey suit and comed his hair properly. Felix wore a navy blue suit. They both went to meet the client in the restaurant. They were waiting for their cleint. The client entered and Hyunjin and Felix started explain them their campaign about the advertisement. The presentation was superb. The client was quite impressed.

I liked your idea but we have choose someone else the client said. What do you mean?! Felix exclaimed. We already signed the contract with Mr Park. What? We came from Seoul to sign this contract and now you are saying you signed with someone else. Yeah I am really sorry the client said.

Felix went outside in a angry mood  what the hell we came far away from Seoul to get nothing. How did he knew that we are doing a contract with him? Hyunjin questioned. Someone in company is leaking our information. But only you and me know about this thing where is your laptop Felix asked. In the office Hyunjin said I think someone got information from your laptop. So what should we do next.

Suddenly Felix phone started ringing. Felix picks up the phone. But suddenly from the behind hits him with something hard.

End of the episode......................................

What will happen next? Who kidnapped them and why?

Lets see in the next episode 😉

Stay Tuned for more

Comment your opinion It would motivate me 🙂

Word count:1497

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