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The girl entered and grabbed everyone's attention in the hall. Hyunjin looked at the girl and Felix was talking with someone on his phone he didn't notice but everyone was stunned to see her beauty Hyunjin's jaw dropped. Felix turned around and saw the girl standing in front of him wearing a red dress. Felix's jaw dropped too as he realized that it was his girlfriend Gina.

Felix immediately exclaimed you? Hyunjin was also shocked to say anything. Chan made a confused face.
Chan pinched Hyunjin and asked who is she? Hyunjin couldn't say anything.

The girl introduced herself. Hello everyone, my name is Gina and I am from Australia. Oh hi, chan said. Can you hand me the script? A staff handed her a script. Easy let me show you all, hey come here, dimple boy. Gina pointed to chan, Chan was looking behind him, and he realized that she was pointing at him. Chan looks at himself, yes you come here help me.
Please act in the second role for me. Ok, I will Chan said. He reads the script and starts his part with perfect acting.


Gina: hey hurry up we are gonna be late.  The bus will leave if we don't get there in time.

Chan: but how my shoe is broken?

Gina: isn't it your new shoe?

Chan: yeah I brought it from the streets because it was cheap price. 

Gina: haven't you heard about Elle shoes? It's cheaper and has a long life. It is manufactured in Spain it's not easy to get broken easily. Long lasting buy this product immediately.

Everyone in the hall clapped for Gina. Your acting is superb Chan said. Thanks, I know I am a good actress. So will your handsome boss will select me?

I think he will Chan laughed.

Yes, you are selected but meet me at my office immediately. Felix left the hall and went to his cabin. Felix was a little stressed to see her unwanted girlfriend, he drinks the water which was kept on the table.

Gina enters the cabin. She kept her bag on the table and asked,  How are you, my baby? I was fine until you came. What are you saying? Are you angry with me? How many times do I have said that I don't love you I am in a relationship with you because my family wants me to marry you? And I will marry you but I can't give you the thing you want for me. If you want to work stay otherwise you can leave the door open.

I know you don't love me I came here to do this job please let me work with you, the girl said. Ok, I will let you work but don't tell anyone about us. Felix leaves his cabin.

Hyunjin was sitting in his cabin and was thinking about Gina. Hyunjin was feeling weird while thinking about it. Then some knocks and comes in. It was his boss, he took the chair in front of the elder's table and sits in front of him. The younger broke the silence and speak up, listen I know that you know about my relationship with Gina, please don't tell anyone about it yet. The younger leaves Hyunjin can't say anything about this.

Hyunjin texts Minho

Can we meet today

Yeah, sure I am free right now...

Ok then meet me at the cafe I
want to say you something

Ok then meet you in a few
minutes bye

Hyunjin packs things and left the office. Hyunjin was thinking about is he doing good or bad with the girl. He thought about many things on his way to the cafe.

Hyunjin was waiting for Minho at the corner table. Hey, how are you, bro you are looking stressed. I want to tell you something don't tell this about Han or any other friends. Is it a serious matter? Minho asked. The matter is that I am a bedfriend of Felix. Oh... Then Minho suddenly realized what the younger said he choked a little while taking a sip of his coffee. Hyunjin handed him a tissue. My life story makes people choke Hyunjin said my life is fucked up. Why did you agree to become a bedfriend?  I don't know why may be because I am feeling lonely that's why I agreed. Do you still have feelings for him? The elder asked in a meager way. I don't know about my feelings. Hyunjin took a sip of his coffee and said, now his girlfriend is back. What the fuck?! Minho yelled. How can he cheat on the girl like this? Do you know about this from the start? Yes, I knew everything. What the heck? You agreed after knowing everything. Ok, I can't change what you did but think about it if you are doing good. Call me or text me if you have any problems.

At home

Hyunjin puts on his bag in his room after taking a shower he makes dinner for himself and Felix. Felix was not yet home so he finished his dinner alone. It was almost midnight but the younger was not at home. Hyunjin tries to sleep but can't sleep he was worried about the younger. 

A few minutes later Hyunjin heard the noise of the door opening. Felix locks the door from the inside. Hyunjin went to the drawing room. Felix was drunk and just fell to the ground. Hyunjin carried him and took him to his bed. The younger was babbling something while sleeping. The elder took off the youngers shoes and puts the blanket over him. As Hyunjin was ready to leave the room the younger suddenly holds his hand tightly and babbled don't go please stay with me. Hyunjin decided to sleep behind him he took the blanket and covered himself.

Next morning

Hyunjin woke up and saw the freckled face boy sleeping near him peacefully. Hyunjin slowly removes his hands and gets ready for the office.

At office

Gina came to Hyunjin. She asked have seen our boss. Not yet he hasn't arrived yet. Oh, I see tell me when he comes. Hyunjin finished his work and attends the meeting. Every employee gave their best ideas. They decided on a location for a photoshoot. The day went easily.

End of the episode...........................

The episode is short because the writer is very sleepy Good night🥲

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