Fake Love

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Felix hurt himself with the wall and Chan came near him to watch if he was ok or not.

Felix: I am okk

Chan: why are you following them.

Felix: no I am not following anyone I was finding my bracelet.

Chan : are you sure you were finding bracelet because I can see it on you hands. You can't lie me you know that why don't you pick my phone calls whats wrong with you don't you think me as your best friend.

Felix: I think you are mistaken.

Chan: tell me whats happening with you. Why are you stalking him.

Felix: I am not I say

Chan: tell me everything if you want to be my friend...

Felix: actually I don't know whats happening with me to

Chan: I think you are in love..

Han and Chang Bin enters

Han and Chang Bin: who is in loveee

Chan: Felix...... Is in love.

Felix: no I am not.

Chan: tell me what do feel when you meet Hyunjin...

Felix: ok when I first saw him my heart was skipping and when we made eye contacts I got butterflies in my stomach I think about a lot of him..... Its really not a symptoms to love someone.....

Chan, Han and Chang Bin started shouting hey you idiot this are the symptoms to fall in love with someone. All started laughing at him because he told that are not symptoms of love .

Chan: I think you are still a baby ha ha ha ha

Felix: I am not a baby....okkk now stop teasing me already.....

Chang Bin: tell me does Hyunjin feels the same as you feel

Felix: I don't know

Chan: do you all know he was stalking Hyunjin and the new student Lia ha ha ha ha ha

Han: I knew the Felix who always got stalked by others but what I am seeing Felix is stalking someone ha ha ha ha ha ha

Han was dying with laughter and Felix was making a yelling face after seeing that Han stoped laughing

Chan: do think you love him...

Felix: I don't think so.....I am not even his friend how can I love him.

Chan: I think its love at first sight how romanticccc

Felix: I can't identify that I am straight or gay I think.

After hearing all this things all were in shock .

Chang Bin: are you mad its definitely love.

Felix: you just wait and watch. But you all have to help me. I will indentify plus I will make Hyunjin my first date. I need your help guys.....

All said okkk

Next day

Hyunjin and Lia were walking through the school gate and were going towards the campus then Felix enters in the campus riding his bike all girls started gathered around him.

Chan Chang Bin and Han were watching all this from the entrance of school.

Chan: so many girls gathered near him what offer did you tell them Han.

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