Getting back

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Hyunjin started ignoring Felix. He regularly works and comes home and gets to sleep early It was already a week since Hyunjin started ignoring Felix. Hyunjin went to the office and started working with concentration. Someone enters the cabin and made a noise on the table.

Why are you ignoring me? It's already been a week that I am getting ignored. It feels like I am your manager and you are my boss. The younger said. Hyunjin took a deep breath and said listen if you want my attention, please we should only maintain our relationship as the boss and manager I can't do this when you are in a relationship with another person I can't play with that person's feelings as you do.

Hyunjin leaves his desk and went outside to take some fresh air. Chan saw Hyunjin standing outside he joins him and you look stressed this days are you ok tell me if you are having any problems. I am having problems yes my life is totally problematic. Don't tell me you still love Felix.

Hyunjin made a sad face and looks into Chan's eyes. I think you are right. I never forget him from the day I meet him I never forget. I tried my best to not fall in love with him but my heart is saying that I still love him. Chan puts his hands on the youngers shoulder. I knew I can feel you. Do you want to get back with him Chan asked. If it's possible I will but it's not possible he is already in a relationship and I can't take someone's love away. What who is the boy or the girl? Chan asked. You know who is she? What Felix is bisexual? Yeah he is. Don't tell me that the girl is Gina. Hyunjin looked at him with a concerned face. Omg fucking destiny. Let me search everything about her. No, no need to Hyunjin said and leaves.

Chan's pov

I have to take this advantage I can get them back together. Let me take this chance. Idea let me call Han and Minho they can help me about this.

At Minsung's house

Minho was moaning loudly Han was doing hard on him. Baby do it fast. Yes I am doing oh. Suddenly Han's the phone starts ringing. Who is call you? Minho asked while moaning. Don't worry let's finish first. The phone still rings. Oh fuck who the fuck is calling. Han stopped immediately and takes the call and starts cursing. Minho wears his pants. Oh please cool down bro you are cursing your hyung Chan said from the phone call. Oh hyung I am sorry. Did I distributed you a lot? Chan asked. No noo nooo.... Oh good than I called you because I have a serious conversation with you two can we meet. Yeah yeah sure come to my place. Ok then my work is already over I will there in an hour. Ok hyung bye. Who was in the call? Its Chan hyung. Oh I see Minho said.

Chan packs his things and leaves.

Chan rings the door bell. Minho opens the door. Come in please. Minho enters and sits in the couch Chan puts his bag on the table. Yes hyung did something happened Han asked. Yes it's actually about Hyunjin. Hyunjin still loves Felix. Han what really? That's good to hear. Yeah it's good but the problem is that Felix have a girlfriend. What from when did he became bisexual? I know everything Minho said. What that means I am the only who don't know about this? Han asked.

Anyways I want both of them to get back together please help me. It was my line Minho said. Let's make them couple again I can't see them like this. But we have to find out details of the girl if the girl really loves him or Felix also loves him we have to find out the older said. Leave it to me I will find out the details of the girl, Han said.

We have a shooting tommorow at a five star hotel for shoe advertisement. The girl is a bit touchy with Felix we have to keep an eye on the girl. They started to plan everything.

Felix went to a bar and was drinking again thinking about what Hyunjin said. He was about to take a sip but suddenly someone stopped him from drinking.

Oh Chang Bin hyung Felix said. Yess how are you? You are back at korea and you never tried to meet with me. Yes I was little busy to build the company again. I missed you hyung. Me too. By the way how you know I am here. Fate called me here and now I am standing infront of you as you can see. Hahaha let's drink together. Tell me about how you are doing do you got someone you love. No not yet Felix replied. But I have heard you have a girlfriend don't you have. How do you know? Your mom tells me everything. Don't you love that girl? Felix went into his thoughts and told I don't love her and I don't want to marry her I don't even love her I don't feel anything when I tried to kiss her this not love. That means you still love Hyunjin. Felix looked a little surprised and tried avoid what hyung asked him. Anyways it was my treat hyung said. He called the bartender and paid for drinks. Ok bye then call me anytime if you miss me. Sure I will.

At home.

Hyunjin was watching series as always as Felix opened the door and locked it up Hyunjin immediately turns off the TV and tried to avoid Felix again. Felix interrupted why are you avoiding me? He said with a shaky voice. Hyunjin still avoids him and locked his room. Felix went to his room and locks himself.

Next morning at the shooting sport

Hyunjin was checking if everything they arranged was ok or not. Gina was getting ready with her make up. Everyone in the set was preparing for the shoot. Felix came and checked everything Hyunjin was standing in front of him. He tries ask him something but can't say anything. Hyunjin goes towards Gina. Hey your script is ready please read it and ask me if you have any queries. I have a question can you call your boss for me the girl said. Hyunjin asked a staff to call Felix.

Yes, what happened everything is fine?
Felix said. Yeah everything is fine but I think the shoes are not fine it's a bit cheap. Hyunjin heard that and he was boiling from inside. Chan immediately holds his hand. This bitch Hyunjin rumbled himself.

Chan no it's good quality you should not say this thing infront of many peoples the shoe company owner can hear you. Oh sorry sorry I am sorry.

We are trying our hard and this bitch is back biting Hyunjin talked with himself.

The shoot started the location was near a pool. And she posed some for pictures the first shoot gone right. It was lunch time everyone was eating their meal. Chan and Hyunjin were eating together. Gina is bit weird she is literally disturbing everyone in the set Chan said she told me to do everything like I am her servent. Hyunjin was about take his first bite but a staff called him. Miss Gina is calling you.

Hyunjin immediately left and asked do you want anything said in polity way. Yes can you make me a coffee. Ok wait I will tell a staff to. No I am asking you to make it all staffs are busy can't you see. Ok Hyunjin turns around and rolls his eyes. Hyunjin made a coffee and handed it to Gina. Um eww it's very sweet I gain weight. Please change it. This bitch Hyunjin said. Did you said something? the girl asked. Um nothing I will make it for you again Hyunjin said making a fake smile on his face. He made a coffee again. Here it is. Better than the first one but not that much good. Hyunjin went to finish his lunch again. He was eating his lunch but the staff calls him again now what? The shooting place ready please check it if everything is ok. Felix was sitting with Gina. Felix was trying to avoid him the girl being touchy with him.

Hyunjin decided to give her a punishment to harass every staff in the set. Hyunjin took the shoes and brokes the heel for a bit. Hyunjin looks around if someone say him but no one sees him. The staff took the broke heels without knowing that the heels are broken. The last shoot went well everyone was clapping because the shoot was over and was happy that they don't have to tolerate this girl anymore. Gina took everyone's attention and said everyone I have a special announcement. I want thank everyone who helped me in the shoot. Hyunjin and Chan whispered what help she make everything worse. I want to confess a thing. Felix eyes got widden. She started to approach towards Felix from the side of the pool. As she took her step she dis balanced and fell into the pool. Everyone's eyes got widden after that. Hyunjin and Chan started laughing at the corner. Everyone's expression got changed.

End of the episode.........................................

This bitch got into my nerves to while writing I also got angry. Stay tuned for next episode.

Word count: 1603

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