Wish you back

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Felix pov

Felix landed in Australia and went to his home.

Felix was sad and little stressed about what happened in the past years he misunderstood that his lover is betraying him. Felix was not talking with anyone his mother was little scared and was very worried about his son.

It's already a week Felix came back at his home...

Felix went outside to seaside to take time he was very sad that he was not a good lover at all he doesn't deserve Hyunjin anymore....

He was walking by the seaside and sun was about to set down the weather was twilight, suddenly someone approached him from the back it was a little dark and Felix was trying to recognise who was it he rubs his eyes to see properly...

Hey Felix it's me, the voice was familiar then he saw a handsome boy standing infront of him with his beautiful cat eyes, it's me Hyunjin...

As he said that he was Hyunjin he tightly touched Felix's shoulder and hugged him tightly, I missed you very much why did you left without saying anything I was very worried.

The younger's eyes was filled with water and immediately he started crying he was very stunned to speak he was very shocked after what he did with Hyunjin how he is still here infront him and saying that he missed him...

Why are you here? The younger said with quavering voice, Why what why I am here for you "you idiot" why did you run away to Australia don't you care about me all I was very worried you are a stupid boy don't you know how much I love you idiot, wait what Felix said in shock you love me? Hell yes you idiot I love you as he said that he pulled the younger closer and kissed him roughly, tears dropped from his eyes. The younger moved his hands on the elder's check and moved his hands more more and tightly grabbed his hair. The kiss was a passionate kiss both were kissing near the seaside and everyone at the beach, it was quite silent at the beach the sun went down into the sea...

Few weeks later

Back to Korea Hyunjin was getting ready for his office because today was a important deal with a American client he was late and was in hurry he hurriedly locked the door of his drome. He run forward to a saw the bus was already leaving he run faster to catch it he. He finally catched it and put earphones and was looking happy. He said good morning to everyone and entered his cabinet.

He was doing his work suddenly the telephone ringed he attents phone call
Hello it's Hyunjin how can I help you. Ok ok I am coming please wait... Hyunjin left his cabinet in worry he was running in the hallway everyone was watching him running he knocked the door of his boss and opened it.

How can I help you sir said while taking deep breathe. It's very important thing Mr Hyunjin don't you understand the boss stands up from his chair and made a rude face and said. The problem is that that ........ What's the problem? the elder asked. The problem is that I have a boyfriend who didn't gave a hard kiss since I am back to korea Felix said in a teasing way. The younger holds the elder tie tightly. So what the elder said making a confused face. So I want my boyfriend to kiss me tight and make me cheer up for my upcoming meeting.
As he said that Hyunjin maked a move and Felix closed his eyes to receive the kiss he made a pout lips but he was not getting anything yet as he opened the eyes he saw a employee was standing infront of them Hyunjin was trying to hold the laugh and Felix immediately started to pretend that he was in a important discussion. The younger said so this work properly Hyunjin it's not good do your work if want love in this company... Said in embarrassment. Sir I am sorry if I interrupt the employee said I will come later please continue, no it's not like that Felix said in embarrassment. The employee left the cabinet with a shy face. Hyunjin started laughing hardly the hard he can laugh.

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