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Next morning

Felix was grabbing Hyunjin tightly all night. He feel asleep at dawn. Hyunjin tried to move and realised that someone is grabbing him tightly. Hyunjin slowly opened his eyes and saw Felix's beautiful freckled face near his face. Then he realised they two wear sleeping half naked. Hyunjin gets up and Felix felt at the other side of the couch. Felix woke up rubbing his head.

What happened? The younger yelled. Why we are sleeping together and were are my clothes the elder yelled. Because you were having high fever and I gave you sponge to reduce the fever the younger said. Oh thanks for that. Are you feeling well now? The freckled boy asked. Yeah I am ok let's go and find something to eat and a way to go back the elder said. I already find a path to beach we are near wattamolla beach let's find someone to ask help.

Hyunjin and Felix walked towards the beach for few minutes and were finding someone to get help they saw many peoples in the beach were enjoying. They somehow find a lodge were they asked help Felix called someone and asked for help.

What will we do now? Hyunjin asked. We have to wait until tommorow because they can't send help right now but she is transferring some money the younger replied.

Hyunjin suddenly tremble and Felix caught him.

You should take some meds Felix said. I am ok just a little dizzy because of fever I will take one. let's check in first.

They entered in a lodge and booked a room. Felix asked for two rooms but only one room was available.

Should we find another lodge the younger asked. No its ok I am ok with it we don't have to stay here for the rest of the life let's check in first. One room is ok.

Its a one bed room enjoy your night the reception' s boy said. We are not couples the elder said.

The receptionist gave them the key of the room. Your room no is 205 please check in call us if you need anything.

Hyunjin went to sleep cause he was feeling little dizzy. After few hours it was afternoon already the elder saw that the younger was not at the room. After that Hyunjin took a shower and went outside near the sea the weather was very beautiful and the sky was totally clear the water of ocean was shining brightly Felix was standing near the seaside.

What are you doing here alone? The elder asked. Just seeing the clear water and thinking what should we do next we lost the contract we have to find new contract. Don't worry first of all we have to find the culprit of the company.
After few seconds of silence the younger said let's go let's eat something.

Hyunjin and Felix went to a seaside resturant and ordered something to eat.

Well I want to say something the elder said I want to say that I know we were in a relationship but now thing is that we are now in profession and you are my boss it's kinda awkward to me cause I was not accepting this to happen that we will meet again after so many years. So what do you want the younger said. I want to say that let's be just maintain the distance like a employee and boss. I don't want to..... Leave it nothing. Yeah our relationship is only of employee and boss but I want it more.

The elder choked while eating.

What do you mean? The elder asked with a serious face. Listen we are only boss and employe but I don't what it to be that much weird let's be friends cause back then we were at the same class at the same school and somehow I feel awkward because of this employee boss relationship.
Hyunjin finished his meal.

Um I need time to think it's hard for me to become your friend because back then we never had friendship I don't want it to be more complected cause it's already complected please I want you to be my boss only.

Hyunjin leaves the restaurant and went outside to take some fresh air. He was not ready to accept Felix as his friend he was his first love and it's not easy for him to move on if they became friends.
Felix joined him.

Its fine our relationship is only as a boss and employe it's much better than the previous one. The younger said with a serious face.

They both went to beach Hyunjin put his legs slowly in the ocean water it was a little cold but it feels nice to him Felix took his shirt off and went to the water and started swimming. Hyunjin sat down on the hot sand watching his surroundings. Felix was swimming with all his passion some girls started fangirling over him.
A girl said what are hot boy in a cold water.
Hyunjin was a bit jealous because the girls were screaming hot. Felix went outside from the water towards Hyunjin. The way he was all wet that made Hyunjin's heart skip a little the more he was near him the more his heart was skipping fastly.

Hey let's go to the nearest beach bear bar let's be friends for today only cause in this situation we are not employee and boss.

Hyunjin was in thoughts he was thinking that it's only for one day.

Ok then only today after that we are not friends.

Felix gives his hands to Hyunjin to stand up. The girls were shipping them cause they both were looking good together.
The sunset was beautiful this reminds Hyunjin of that day when the both of them were standing together and were making promises. Hyunjin took a glass of shots and started drinking and drinking. Felix ordered another shots he drank and was listening to the singer.
The singer asks if someone from the audience want to sing Hyunjin puts his hands up and gets up from his place and went took the mic from the singer's hand and started singing love untold. He was drunk but he sing it with his passion the younger was watching him with a little bit teary eyes. The elder already started crying tears were dropping from his eyes his eyes was showing that he was suffering from somthing a unfinished or unforgettable love that he is missing someone. Hyunjin immediately leaves the bar and went near the beach Felix follows him Hyunjin was totally drunk and was crying. Felix followed him he went to the seaside and starts finding him. Than he saw Hyunjin was lying down in the sand.

Hyunjin!! The younger calls him.

Hyunjin saw the younger and immediately started crying.

Please leave me alone. Why are you here?why? Please let me forget you please. How can I ignore you? How I am going to survive without you? The elder said.
The elder interrupted immediately.

Please I can't I don't wanna live my life like this. You ended everything without even listening to me and now you are back again why you are back.

Felix tries to hold Hyunjin's hands but Hyunjin don't let him touch him.

Please don't touch me.

Hyunjin immediately lost his patience.

I am still in love with you I can't even date someone or kiss someone whenever I tried to do I always see your face my life is totally a blunder because of you I can't imagine anyone with me because of you.

The younger immediately grabs the elders face and kissed him on his lips the both were drunk and were in love with eachother too. The elder started kissing him to the both started to kiss eachother roughly.

End of the episode.................................

I was writing it with my all emotions I was about to cry 😭
Why I made their life complected in the story 🥲
Please tell me what do you think will happen next 😉

Word count: 1352

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