Moving on

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Hyunjin was admitted in hospital after he fainted.
Because of his depression about his past. Hyunjin was not eating properly after that break up happened suddenly and Felix went somewhere far away with out knowing the truth the misunderstanding can change everything.

Doctor said that Hyunjin was not eating properly and thats why he fainted plus he is thinking about something that is making him depressed. Thats why Hyunjin's mother decided to take help from Bang Chan to recover his only child from the shit that happened in the past.

Hyunjin's mother knows everything what kind of misunderstanding happened and Bang Chan apologized that he was drunk that time plus he told the truth that he loves Hyunjin.

5 years passed.....................

Hyunjin was now working in a advertisement company he was totally fine after forgetting everything happened in past with him. He was now a close friend of Chan. Chan helped him a lot to recover Chan tried to bring back him his love but Hyunjin don't want the past back.

Hyunjin was getting working hard in his company and he already got promotion.

Its almost in the end of November Hyunjin lived in a apartment with his colleague the apartment was provided by the company thats why he had to share rooms.

It was Monday already Hyunjin was late for his office he hurriedly went to office.

Finally he went to the company in time.

Suddenly someone was calling his name.

It was Chan.

Chan: hey

Hyunjin: hey I thought I was late at my first day in different department.

Chan: yeah congratulations bro you are now promoted as manager of our boss.

Hyunjin: yeah I am really happy

Chan: you made it in very small time.

Hyunjin: yeah lets hurry up I am already late.

They entered the elevator. And went to their own working area.

Hyunjin went to his new cabinet. He put his stuffs over the table and went outside Everyone was being Chaos.

Hyunjin: what happened?

Chan was also there so Hyunjin asked chan.

Hyunjin: what happened what are they taking about?

Chan: our company is bought by someone else

Hyunjin: what?! Who bought the company.

Chan: I don't know.

Hyunjin: omg I just got promotion and this has to be happen now.

Chan: don't think that the owner is not going to be remove any employee.

Hyunjin: I wish they should not.

Chan: I heard that the owner is same age as us.

Hyunjin: really

Chan yeah! By the way today we all friends are going to meet are you joining us.

Hyunjin: yeah ofcourse I talked to Minho he told me everything.

Chan : ok lets go together.

Hyunjin: yeah lets go

Chan left and went to do his work and Hyunjin went to his chair and Started doing his work.

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