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After meeting Minho Hyunjin went to his drome and saw Felix in the drawing room doing something in his laptop. Hyunjin puts his bag down on the couch and sits infront of Felix he untie his tie and put it on the table. A awkward silence occurred in the room. The elder suddenly coughed to grab younger's attention but the younger seems concentrated in his work. Hyunjin coughed more loudly. The younger look at the elder.

Something happened? The younger asked. The room was filled with a silence again. Umm I thought all day about this the elder said. About what? About that? What? About that day you asked me about! I asked you many things I don't remember anything. The elder took a deep breathe and said about friends with benefits. The younger immediately shuts the laptop down. Oh yeah what did you thought about that. I thought that it's nothing wrong to try it. Oh that means you are saying yes the younger said. The elder nodded.

The elder cooked dinner for them and the younger finished his work. The younger gets into the kitchen.

The smell is good what are you cooking. It's bibimbap my favourite dish the elder said. The younger comes more close to the elder he accidentally touches his hands the elder immediately got goosebumps his heart started racing fastly. The elder took a spoon and tastes it if it's tasty or not. He tasted it and everything was fin but a little juice of bibimbap was near his lips Felix noticed it and tries to remove it. The younger cleans the face of the elder with his little hands and tastes his hands with his lips. Umm it's really nice the younger said. Hyunjin couldn't control himself and grabs the younger's hand tightly and pulls him near him. What are you trying to do? The elder smirked. Nothing just tasting bibimbap. Oh really. The elder pulls younger in him
he took him in his arms and make him sit on the platform of the kitchen near the shink. The elder slowly puts his hands under the younger tshirt. The younger grabbed the elder's shoulder tightly.

The younger blushes a little

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The younger blushes a little. He have never seen the elder doing things like this. What are you doing? The younger said. Doing what agreed to do. The elder slowly bends towards the younger. The younger also started bending. The elder whispered the dinner is ready let's eat first and winked him. The younger was little nervous to see the elder's another face like this. The younger took a deep breathe. After dinner Hyunjin was watching his drama as always. Felix sits beside him and started watching the drama with him. Hyunjin was watching a Korean bl drama. Oh you are watching bl drama. Yeah this drama is kind of interesting I think they will become lovers in this episode. Yeah what about you are not gonna complete the unfinished work. The elder looks into the younger's face and give him a big smile. Oh if you want it please finish the drama with me first. They started watching the drama. The couple's in the drama were about to kiss eachother and Hyunjin was little cringing to see the seen and accidentally grabs the younger's laps tightly then the elder realised he grabbed the younger tightly. They both made a eye contact the elder started watching the younger's lips and moves towards the younger and kissed him softly. The younger pushed him and said don't do it softly just go rough on me. Are you sure the elder asked. Yeah I am dam sure you just do it immediately I can't hold myself the elder made him lied down on the couch and started kissing him roughly the younger kissed his back the elder slowly puts his hands under the younger's body and slowly approached his hands on younger's nipples. The elder kissed his neck and roughly pulls the tshirt of the freckled boy the taller gave a soft kiss on his freckles. The taller slowly goes down and licked the nipples of the younger.
The younger moans loudly. The elder made a evil smile. The younger grabbed the elder tightly and turns the elder into the couch. The younger kissed the elders stomach. The elder immediately got butterflies on his stomach and bites his lips. The younger pulls own the elder boxer and starts rubbing his dick. The elder grabbed the cushion tightly. After that the younger pulls his boxers down and sits over Hyunjin's lap and slowly gets the elder's dick inside him. The younger started doing it and moans loudly and the elder also moans they both did it all night long.

Next morning

The younger was sleeping over elder's chest naked only a blanket over them. The younger wakes and saw the beautiful face of the elder he smiled by himself. The elder slowly opens his eyes and see the beautiful face freckled face of the younger. Felix gave a soft kiss in his lips but kiss felt like something else to Felix. Hyunjin eyes filled with waters after that soft kiss. Felix also felt something else in the kiss he brokes the kiss and lied down on the elders chest again. I want to skip office today the younger said. But you the boss ok then take some rest after that join office I am leaving Hyunjin slowly gets up and puts the blanket over the younger and washes up and cooked breakfast for him and for the younger he leaves a sticky note on the fridge and leaves for office. After few hours the younger woke up and cleans himself and wents to the kitchen and saw the sticky note and a smile immediately came into his face he eats the breakfast and gets ready for the office.

At office many people lined up for interview and for auditions for ad model. Hyunjin was busy to interview everyone. Felix joined him and interviews some people and recruited some creative peoples. After that they were auditioning for a model. All were saying weird things while auditioning.

Oh god no one is talented at all how will we find a talented on the younger said with a stressed out face. Yeah everyone is doing weird things. Next please. Chan come in asked hey what's going on? Oh don't ask all are jokers no one is perfect. Oh gosh a girl come in. And starts saying her dialogues she suddenly forgets her dialogue Felix stands up and can't say anything. Chan said wait let me show you how to act it Chan goes beside the girl and started telling the same dialogue with perfect attitude and naturally. Felix shouted look you have to do like this Hyunjin please make chan our new model. But he is a boy we need a girl. Felix bangs the table and leaves the room and starts smoking again. Hyunjin approach him. I think we should hire someone professional. I could do that but at this moment we don't have budget that's why we are recruiting others. Let's see what happens let's audition more people's tommorow. I want to be stressed free. Felix throws his cigarette and pulls Hyunjin's hands and took him to the bathroom he locks the door of the bathroom and said let's do it again. What in the office? The elder exclaimed. Hell yeah. The younger pushed him at the wall and kissed him tightly and went inside made the elder sit in the pot. The younger climbs over the elder and opens his zip and puts the elder's dick inside him. They did it again.

After few minutes

Chan was waiting for Hyunjin at the office cantin. Hyunjin came at cantin. Hyunjin comes and the cantin and sit infront of Chan. Chan noticed that Hyunjin's neck was having red marks and the hair was not proper. What happened to your neck and hair? Chan asked. Nothing just a mosquito bite me and I was getting some fresh air Hyunjin said. Oh seems like the mosquito was very big. Chan smiled by himself.

They returned to audition people again. Felix was walking in a weird way. Chan asked Felix why are you walking like this. Oh I why I am walking like this? Oh I accidentally hit myself. Chan holds his laugh. Anyways let's start the audition again.

A girl enters from the main door of the office . The girl was wearing branded clothes and was wearing sunglasses. She enters in the room and everyone was stunned to speak after watching the girl.

End of the episode.......................................

Plot twist 🤫
See you in next episode.

Word count: 1452

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