Living together

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Hyunjin opened the door with a big smile suddenly the smile fades away when he saw that it was Felix. You here don't tell that you are my room mate. Felix coughed a little and said in deep voice yes I am your roommate unfortunately.

At Minho and Han's house

Its been a week we are living together now you proposed me for marriage Minho said. Yeah I did this because I don't wanna let you go away from me. Do you like the ring. No Minho said. What should I change it then? No don't need to I mean I like the person more who gave the ring to me he is more prettier than the right and the most precious person to me now I can't imagine my life with out that person. Han grabbed his future husband tightly. I can't believe I did it infront of many peoples. Ok now we have to decide the dates. Most importantly I said yes but what about my family they don't know about the marriage proposal yet. Don't worry Han said. Why not? Cause they knew everything about this plan from the starting. What for real?oh gosh. Yeah By the way did you noticed something tommorow. Don't tell you are talking about them Minho said with a exciting voice. Like can you imagine them dancing together are they back together. It would be very nice if they got back together again I am really happy that they are getting closer again Hyunjin looks much better than before after Felix returned again to his life. Yes babe they both are made for each other actually let's make them couples again I can't see their love but unknown love. Their eyes is saying that they still love each other I can feel it from far away. Ok let's me talk with Hyunjin tommorow Minho said. And I will talk with Felix about this.

Back to Hyunjin's drome

Felix puts his luggage at his room. Hyunjin went to washroom and started screaming in silence. Wtf is happening why he is here Hyunjin talked with himself. This boy is not gonna live me peacefully. Hyunjin immediately calls his friend Minho. Hello Minho said. What are you doing my friend? Minho asked. Don't ask me what happened Hyunjin said. What happened? Felix is now my roommate. Minho puts his phn down and started dancing and shouting yesss. What happened what's the noise from behind? Hyunjin asked. pH nothing much I just accidentally hurt myself. Oh are you ok . Yes I am very very much ok. What should I do now? Hyunjin asked. You don't have any other option let's meet tommorow and settle down everything. Ok then my treat.

Felix unpacks his clothes and puts that on his cubbut. Oh god this room is very much dirty. Yess this room is dirty cause this room was closed for 2 months the elder said. Yes and now we are roomates so please keep your things properly plus we have to divide the household works cause we have only one toilet we have to clean it one by one grocery shopping, cooking , cleaning , dusting everything we have to divide. The younger was stunned to say anything. Ok then we will separate or works I can help you with cleaning and dusting cause if I start cooking this house will probably into fire. Ok then clean your room first. Hyunjin handed him brush and a towel to clean the room. Felix cleaned his room and dusts every corner of the room. The room was totally cleaned.

Hyunjin calls Felix to eat something. Hyunjin cooked tteokbokki. Did you cleaned yourself the elder asked. Oh shit I forgot let me take a shower first than we will eat the younger said. Ok then let me finish the episode of the anime. Felix took his shower dries his hair with hair dryer. Felix came out from the bathroom with naked top putting his towel on the shoulders. Hyunjin was drinking water he choked a little after watching naked Felix. Let's eat the younger said. The younger sits at the dinning table Hyunjin serves tteokbokki on younger's plate. The younger took his first bite and remember the same taste of tteokbokki Hyunjin used to made for him when they both were together. The elder called him but the younger was not responding. Hey you the elder shouted. The younger came out from the thoughts. Oh what ? What did you say? The younger asked. Is it ok the food. Yeah its tasty. They both finished their Lunch.

Its was night time Hyunjin was watching a kdrama. Felix joined him. Felix realised that Hyunjin never changed himself in 5 years he still like to watch kdrama. A emotional scene came Hyunjin started crying. He took the tissue paper from the table and starts cleaning his nose. Felix smiled a little. Oh you are crying. No I am not crying the elder said something just went inside my eyes. Felix started laughing. Hey why are you laughing huh. Nothing. Ok I am going to sleep now. Tommorow I have to wake up early otherwise my boss will fire me the elder said. Yeah he will fire you if you doesn't listen to him. Felix smirked. Good night the elder said. Felix entered his room and lied down on the bed he takes out his laptop and starts watching his school time photos were he saw his and Hyunjin's photo.

Five years ago

Felix went to airport and took his flight for Australia. Felix was crying hardly because he can't imagine this would happened with him. He joined a school in Australia he didn't make any friends in that school. After that he met Gina at a family function. His mother wants him to marry Gina because his family wants to grow their business more. Felix goes on a date with her but he can't forget Hyunjin. He never kissed her back than he can't even slept with someone else. After graduation Felix left Australia and went to korea again. He started searching for Hyunjin again but can't find him. But one day when he was walking through the streets he saw Hyunjin and Chan together so he thought that they were dating. He studied in korea about business after 3years of course he finally bought a company and saw Hyunjin there. He was also stunned to see him in his company. 

Felix was in deep thoughts he started thinking about how their life changed suddenly In five years.

Next morning

Hyunjin went to office and said everyone good morning. He went to his office room and makes shedule for upcoming project. He posted on the company's website for job recruitment. Hyunjin worked all day.

Hyunjin knocks on the door of Felix. He enters and presents all the shedule Felix have. Ok we need new model for the ads. So start recruiting new models from tommorow. Felix turned the file and suddenly the page fell down on the ground but he accidentally engaged his shirt with Conner of the table he can't takes off his shirt from the table. Hyunjin came near him and tried to help him. Hyunjin was standing in front of his face and Felix was trying to untie himself from the corner of the table Hyunjin helps him but he was bit dis balanced Hyunjin grabbed his head and Felix's face was near his dick. Suddenly someone enters and both of them looks to the person Felix immediately gets up the person was studded to speak and a misunderstanding created in the person's head. The person thought they were making out the person immediately leaves the room. Hyunjin and Felix looked at each other with a confused face. Oh did we did something wrong why she left hurriedly the elder said. I don't know why she left. 
Yeah anyways here is the budget.

Hyunjin finished his work and went to meet Minho.

You always make me wait. Oh sorry I am late again I did lots of work today Hyunjin said. Oh nice seems like everything is going well. Now tell me what happened why she is your roommate Minho asked. Oh I really don't know why he is here I feel a little awkward. Like what suddenly I started living with my ex in same house like really my life totally playing with me it's not fair. I want to ask you something Minho said. Do you still have feelings for him. Hyunjin stopped drinking and thinks a little. I don't know I really don't know. But all I know is that I have to make a little distance from him. Why do you want to make distance? Cause I don't want to fall for him again.

End of the episode......................................

Hope you enjoy it 😜

Word count: 1479

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