Love bites

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Next day
It was morning. Hyunjin opened his eyes and saw everything blurry he had a bad headache. He rubs his eyes and realised that he was sleeping next to his ex. He immediately gets up and saw some red marks in his hands. He went to the bathroom and saw that he had many red marks all over his body. Hyunjin went straight to Felix and tries to wake him up.

Felix get up immediately.

Hyunjin shakes the younger harshly. Felix opens his eyes and saw Hyunjin's face.

What happened why are you shouting? The younger asked. What are this marks? What marks!! The younger exclaimed in confused way. Oh this. This ummm I did... didn't did it. What kind of mark is this can you explain? The elder said.

Felix pulls Hyunjin face near his face.

Want to know how did this happened? The younger taunt him. Me and you were in beach last night we were there until dawn. And we both slept together till dawn and they kissed us all night and did a party while kissing us sang a song for us and kissed us till dawn until I woke up. They are cute little mosquitoes. What? The elder shouted. Yeah this love bites are given by mosquitoes the younger smirked.

The younger started laughing.

What's so funny huh? I thought. Leave it. What did you thought ? The younger asked. Nothing.

The younger smirked. Felix takes off the blanket and saw many love bites in his body.

But who took me here at the hotel. I took you here when I opened my eyes I saw many mosquitoes were enjoying that's why I bring you back but I couldn't remember what happened last night. The younger said. Oh yeah why we were asleep at the beach I can't remember anything my head is paining.  The elder said. Let me order a leamon juice that will help.

Felix called and ordered lemon juice.

Hyunjin was sitting at the corner of bed and Felix goes pick his clothes from the corner of the bed. He tooks his clothes and was going to the washroom to take bath. But suddenly Hyunjin holds his hands.

What? The younger asked.

The elder pulled him near him. I want to say something. But suddenly someone knocks the door.

It was a staff from hotel. Then someone called Felix and he started talking for few minutes.

Get ready we are going back to my home than we will get back to korea Tommorow. The car is already arrived.

Felix immediately went to take shower and Hyunjin wears his clothes. The check out from the hotel and arrived to Felix's house. The house was like a mansion. A beautiful lady came closer and hugged Felix.

You are back home my son after 3 years I saw you.

Hyunjin's pov
wait what he is back after 3 years where was he in all this years.

I am good. Where is my sister? The younger asked. She will be back she went to school. I am glad you are back. Let's have a good time together. I am going back tommorow the younger said. Wait why so early I don't even saw you properly his mother said with a sad face. Mom I have to do lots of work I am running a company it's a big responsibility.

At that time his mother notices Hyunjin.

Why are you standing there come inside. His mother said this to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin enters and stands quietly.

You are so handsome wish I could marry you.

Felix's mother giggles.

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