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Felix was waiting for Chan at the bank of the river Han. Felix puts his hands on the pocket and tried to take out somthing from his pocket, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and put the  cigarette between his lips and took the lighter out of his pocket and started smoking. He was waiting for Chan. Chan puts his hands on the younger's shoulder. Felix was little nervous to talk with his school's closest friend and the person who was the reason why he broked up with Hyunjin. Chan told Felix everything...

At home

Hyunjin was watching a drama as always. Suddenly the door bell rings. Felix was standing with a serious face his eyes were red and he was crying. Hyunjin was little shocked to see him like that. What happened? The elder asked. Felix hugged the elder tightly. Hyunjin was thinking if he should hold him or not. The younger started crying hardly more. Hyunjin hold him tightly and asked, Why are you crying? Hyunjin holds the younger's small face and saw his red teary eyes. The younger touched the elder's face and give a soft kiss on the elder's lips. Hyunjin was little confused. The elder breaks the kiss and asked what happened to you why are you like this suddenly? The younger looked into the elder's eyes, I don't know what I am doing I don't know what to do next I lost everything in my life my everything. The younger stoped for a moment and takes a deep breathe and said I have already lost you there is nothing left. The younger immediately removes himself from the elder's arms and leaves the drome. Hyunjin was little confused, Why suddenly he is like this? He murmured.

Felix leaves the drome and opens his car door and puts his seat belt and cries hardly. It was raining. The roads were blocked with waters.

Hyunjin was worried were the younger went he called all his friends and asked but he was not at their place.

At Chang Bin's house

Changbin was cooking somthing in his kitchen. After cooking he served the food on the plate. Wow it smells nice let's dig in he was about to take his first bite but suddenly someone calls him he took the phone call. Hello. Ok wait I am opening. Changbin puts his chopsticks down and went to open the door. Felix was standing infront of him and was all wet because of raining. Come inside you are all wet. Felix hugged the elder tightly. Changbin was surprised why he suddenly came and was like this. Are you ok bro. No I am not the younger said. I am very bad person I am not good with anyone I never understand anyone's feelings I can't believe my love never trust him. One second are talking about Hyunjin the elder asked. The younger started cuffing and the elder went to the kitchen, he poured some water in the glass and gave it to the younger. Are you ok... Please drink some water. The younger drinks the water.

Hyunjin was worried about Felix he asked everyone for help. But he suddenly remembered about Chang Bin hyung he called him.

Chang Bin took the call and said Hello Chang Bin speaking. Hyung it's me Hyunjin is Felix at your place. The elder tooked towards Felix and said yes he is here. I am coming to your house wait Hyunjin said. No don't come today it's raining heavily you will stuck somewhere. But hyung. Stop it you come tommorow he is totally fine. The elder hang ups the phone, he turned around and saw that the younger felt asleep.

Next morning

The younger woke up before Chang Bin and left and note on the refrigerator.

Changbin woke up and saw a note on the refrigerator suddenly someone knocks as he opened he saw Hyunjin in hurry, Where is lix? He left before I woke up. Hyunjin leaves CHANGBIN'S house and calls Han. I can't find lix he left Changbin's house also. Hyunjin hung up the phone. Then his phone rings again. Hello, Chan hyung. Chan calls Hyunjin to meet him at a park. Chan was sitting on a bench Hyunjin runs towards him. What happened hyung? Chan took a deep breathe and gets little hesitate to say. Umm actually I told Felix about that night that everything was misunderstanding and told him how much you suffered from that break up I think he running away because of this. Wait what why did you told him everything like that. Don't wait go find him now the elder said. Hey Chan come and help me you did this mess now help me. Minho joins him. Did you find out Felix. No Hyunjin yells let's go to office. Yeah let's check out office. Minho calls a taxi. Let's walk Hyunjin said. Why you want to walk it's waste of time right now we have to find Felix. Here the taxi is. They finally reached to office. Hyunjin runned towards the office he entered the office and ran through a little crowd and saw that Felix was not in his cabinet. Hyunjin immediately asked the staff, where is boss? The staff replies he is leaving Korea. What why?!! Hyunjin exclaimed aggressively. Where is he now? Maybe going to airport the staff replies. Hyunjin runned out of the office Chan and Minho runned before Hyunjin. Minho asked Chan what happened why are we running, I don't know call a cab right now. Wait Hyunjin runned and stopped a bus but Minho and Chan camed with Han and Chang Bin and told Hyunjin to get up in the car Hyunjin gets up on the car. Where are we going? Han asked. Airport Hyunjin replied. Which airport? Han asked?? Jeju Hyunjin shouted MF how many international airport we have in soul Let's go to Incheon International Airport
(ICN). Darling let's go home after this I will take your class Minho yelled at Han.

At airport

Hyunjin run as he saw they reached. Minho and Chan runs before Hyunjin again. Why are you trying to stop him? Minho asked Hyunjin. Because I love him damm it. He is running away because of you "Chan" Minho yelled while running. Ahh I just only wanted to tell him the truth. Ahhh you two stop it right now I have to find Felix. Wait Minho said, we don't have passport to enter. What the heck? Hyunjin said..  I know a friend who works here the elder said. Let me call him, Chan calls him and stops and says. Wait you all the flight already left. What?!! hyunjin exclaimed.

End of the episode

I am updating after many days ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Hope you are are eager what will happen next!!

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