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At Signiel Seoul

Mr Park Booked a room in the hotel. He opened his room door and check in at the hotel room. He puts his laptop on the table and the pendrive beside it.

This pendrive is my sucess of key. I will make my company globally in top. But I have to be cleverer than that boy Felix he is more clever than me. I have to find a way to let him not know anything about Mr San that dumb. He doesn't even know that his company will be destroyed after getting this campaign.

Mr Park gets ready for a party they are holding in this hotel. He locks the room and leaves immediately. Hyunjin and Felix booked a room opposite to Mr Park's room. Hyunjin lied down on the soft bed.

The bed is very soft. Hyunjin turned around and saw Felix's face infront of him. They made a never ending eye contact. But they have to broke the eye contact. Felix blinked and said let's make a plan to enter in the room. But how can we get into the room with out keys. I got a idea Felix said.

Hyunjin was wearing a bathrobe and was standing infront of Mr Park's room like a lost child. Suddenly a staff was coming towards Hyunjin. Hyunjin called the staff to come near him.

Excuse me can you help me I lost my card in the pool side can you open the door for me. Yeah sure the staff said. Thanks thank you very much. Hyunjin started acting like he was closing the the staff left and Hyunjin called Felix to get inside. You are a great actor. I know. let's find the laptop and the pendrive. From the laptop we can get the email proofs that Mr San sended from his device to Mr Park's device. Let me install everything in my device oh the file is very big and it's already night time he can come anytime in this room. Oh it's finally done. Than suddenly they heard a noise on the door.

Mr Park enters the room with a boy. Come inside. Let's make this night memorable. The room was empty. No one was their.

Flash back

Hyunjin and Felix hurriedly entered in the bathroom and the dress section their was a big cubbut they opened the cubbet and hide inside in the cubbut.

End of the flash back

Let me give you a survive a unknown voice said. Ok let's do it. Hyunjin and Felix were hearing everything. What what are going to do? The younger asked in low voice. Maybe they will fucked up the elder said making a disgusted face. They can hear some weird noise of two men's . Wait this old bitch is gay? Hyunjin said. Yeah I think that to but my position in this cubbut I can't stay here anymore. But we don't have a way if we go outside they will catch us and everything will be fucked up. Its hot here and I am wearing a bathrobe the fullest fucked up situation is mine right now I am sweating.

Ou ahhhhh ouu ahhhh

Ewww they are making weird noises the younger said. During sex everyone make noises enjoy the noises. Oh but it's weird af. But your was not weird the elder said then he realises what he actually said. Felix made a eye contact with the elders the elder also made a eye contact. They were about to kiss but suddenly someone slammed at the cubbut door shouting like hell. Uh please give me more lets go to the bathroom they heard the voice of Mr Park. They are going to the bathroom it's our chance to get out of here. Let me see hell no we can't this room is connected with bathroom we can't go we have to wait until they go outside of the bathroom to the bed room. They heard some food steps that was coming from the drawing room. I guess they are at drawing room. Lets get out of here and see what's happening outside and are we able to get out of here let me see. Felix tries to see in the drawing room were he saw two mens naked. Wtf god bless my eyes. What happened the elder said. See yourself. Oh live porn telecast. Oh wait they are going to the bedroom our way is clear lets wait until they locked the door. Mr Park and a unknown guy enters in the room and closes the door. Let's go hurry the elder said. Oh god we were almost caught. The elder started laughing after seeing the younger's disgusted face. They entered in their room I don't have energy to drive the younger said. Let's go home tomorrow I can't it's so hot. Felix saw Hyunjin's body was revealing through the bathrobe. What are you watching? The elder asked.

As Hyunjin can say anything Felix immediately makes a move and kissed the elder tightly

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As Hyunjin can say anything Felix immediately makes a move and kissed the elder tightly. Hyunjin was not kissing back he broked the kiss. Wait what are you doing. Felix tries to leaves but Hyunjin holds the younger's hands tightly wait where are you going. Hyunjin pulls the younger and grabs his waist tightly. I want it to but it only for one time forget this night tommorow. Hyunjin lifts the younger and drops him in the couch of the drawing room. Felix tightly holds the elders neck and tells him I waited a long and I can't wait anymore. The younger pulls Hyunjin and pressed his lips with the elders . They started to kiss roughly. Hyunjin opens his bathrobe and throw it somewhere agressively Felix also kissed his roughly hyunjin lift him up in his lap and Felix sits on his lap. Hyunjin started giving kiss bites on the younger's neck. Hyunjin lift the younger up and takes him to the bedroom. He drops him roughly and started kissing after that Hyunjin takes younger's jacket off from his body and pulls up the black t shirt and starts kissing his six pack abs. Felix pulls Hyunjin in the bed and sits over him he takes his tshirt off. And started kissing the elder. Felix pulls the elder's boxers down and starts rubbing it. He undone his zip and takes off his pants. Hyunjin close his eyes and starts biting his lips. Felix enters into Hyunjin. He slowly started to lift up and down. The younger starts a little moan after entering into him he feels something inside him. He was doing it after many years. Hyunjin get up and kissed his roughly hyunjin touched his body and licks his nipples roughly. Felix immediately moans loudly.

Writer: God please don't send me to hell💀

Next morning hyunjin was sleeping beside younger and was remembering what happened last night. He regrets a little.

Oh why I made a move on him. Felix wakes up but was in a little pain. Do you need pain killer I have some. No I am ok actually my hole is not that much big it was paining and your dick is also big. It's paining let me sleep for a while. Listen what happened yesterday forget about it we didn't do anything. Forget about it. No I am not gonna forget the younger said you can forget if you want to. Actually I need a sex partner I am very unprofessional in this. What do mean? The elder asked. I want to ask you something if me are not friends or not lovers what are we nothing I have an idea let's be bed mates. What are you kidding me? The elder said. No I am not kidding I am serious. If you can't be my bed mate I have to find a new one. Think about it take your time. I am not gonna agree the elder said. As your wish the younger went to sleep again. Hyunjin started thinking about it how can I become my ex boyfriend's bed mate that's kinda weird tho.

Few minutes later Hyunjin takes a shower and gets ready. Hyunjin wake Felix up. Ou good morning. Get up and take shower and let's go to police station to report about this. Today Mr Park's biggest day. Lets make it more memorable the younger said.

In office

Chan was waiting for Hyunjin. Hyunjin waved his hands to Chan Hey. Where are you this days? Are you forgetting me Chan asked. No I am not forgetting you. I was little busy to fix something. Oh nice. Are you ok around with Lix. Yeah I am I have no another way anyways please come to the meeting room today is press conference in our office. Oh I see ok I am coming in few minutes.

Felix wears a grey suit blushes his hair perfectly. Lets expose that MF.

Everyone was waiting for Felix to enter. All were gossiping about their company. Felix enters in the room with Hyunjin. Mr San waved his hands towards Felix. Felix made a evil smirk. After watching him. Felix takes his seat with the board of directors.

End of the episode..........................................

Writter is summoned with a cursing power today ok bye.

Word count: 1542

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