4: Keralis

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Even though they pretended otherwise, everyone was surprised that everyone did remember to meet the next day. Joe looked around at the gathered hermits before starting.

'Ok, let's do some more freeze today except this time you're only allowed to go in 2 times... Keralis, Grian, you start.'

The pair entered the circle, and Grian started the scene.

'What did you do?'

'I didn't mean to! Sweet face, I'm sorry!'

'You're aiding our business rivals!'

'I'm sorry! They asked for some pigs and I gave them some pigs...'

'We're literally rival pork businesses, Keralis.'

'Freeze!' Called Scar, running in excitedly to take Keralis's place. 'Grian!'

'Scar, quick! I need to stop the...'

'Keralis stole Jellie!'


'Keralis stole Jellie from me and ran away!'

Grian blinked.

'I know what we need to do.'


'We need to kill Keralis!'

'Yes! How?'

'With a death machine!'

'Freeze!' Cub took Grian's place.

'Scar, we have fifteen minutes to save Hermitcraft or...'

'Or what?'

'it'll be invaded by vexes!'

'We can deal with vexes.'

'The new vexes with huge eyebrows and no smiles!'

'Nooooooo!' cried Scar 'Not the new vex design!'

'We must stop this terrible apocalypse!'

'Blow up mojang! The vexes must have their revenge!'

'Doc, you take over from Scar.'


'Take over from Scar! It's the game we played yesterday!'

'I don't know what's going on!' Doc declared honestly, running into the circle

'Neither do I!' Replied Scar. Joe facepalmed, and the game continued until everyone had been forced into having a go, and the actual play began again.

'Ok, scene 3. Keralis is onstage, Pearl and Ren come on.' It took a moment to set up, but they soon did, starting the scene

'Good evening!' Keralis beamed as the pair entered the stage.

'We need supplies for our quest!'

'A map.' Interrupted Pearl. 'And coats. And other supplies.'

'A map of what, sweet faces?'

'The quickest route to the Fort of the Vex.'

'You dont want to go there! Legend has it that the two evil Christmas Demons who live their eat people like you!'

'They stole the Christmas God. We're getting him back.'

'What? That's horrible... I wish you two good luck...' Keralis started looking around for supplies. 'Joe, sweetface, where's the map for these lovely travellers?'

'We haven't got props made yet!'

'But Ren and Pearl have nothing to help them find Brian!'

'Keralis, just continue the scene!'

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