1: Role credits

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Joehills was bored.

It was the end of Season 9. His Pinball Machine was finished, Decked Out had ended, and no one really seemed up for TCG. All he was left doing was searching through his stuff for anything to inspire him. Maybe some weird combination of blocks he could leave at another hermit's base or pretend are important to sell to Cub's museum.

And then he saw it.

In the back of one of his chests was Mumbo's birthday present to him - a video camera containing the only recording of the Hermit Christmas Play from almost a year ago. Joe smiled, happy with the idea, and for the next hour he watched it, laughing and smiling and enjoying every moment of it. And while he did, ideas formed, plans for Season 10 that he could start now.

A third play.

Bigger, better, and more fun than the first two. Everyone would be happy, everyone would do what they wanted to do, everything would be great. So, he grabbed an empty book and began writing.

'Oh FOR THE LOVE OF- JOE WHY?!' Grian screeched as he landed next to the lectern Joe had left at spawn. 'WE DON'T NEED TO DO A THIRD PLAY!'


This will decide your role!

'Wait- wait, Joe wants us to do a third play?! We were terrible last time!' Mumbo realised. Grian nodded gravely. 

'It's because we made the final thing look good... ohhh, knew we should've made it terrible.'

'I mean... it was Christmas! And- and I actually quite enjoyed making the sets.'

'True. And I did enjoy acting... Everyone's got a page in here to write down what kind of character we want to play and... hang on.' He paused, grinning. Mumbo stepped closer.

'Hang on what? Grian, have you got an idea?'

'Listen to this... "Write below any kind of character you want and/or any job outside the play to help". Mumbo, I can write whatever I want here as long as I turn it into a job!'

'Oh? Wait- oh! So- wait- you can just write uhh... 'causer of chaos' and... it'd be a job.'

'I need to make it sound useful though... it says a job that will help... hey Cub! I found a loophole already!'

'Really?!' Cub landed. 'Hey, can you two do me a favour?'

'What is it?'

'Make sure Scar doesn't find out about this.'

Grian glanced at Mumbo, then back at Cub.


'I potentially might or might not possibly have an idea that doesn't work if Scar knows this book is here.'

'Huh.' Grian crossed his arms, intrigued, as Cub wrote whatever he wanted to write in the book.

'You two BOTH having ideas about making this chaotic is making me nervous.' Mumbo admitted.

'Look, Mumbo. It's alright. My idea isn't actually that chaotic, it's just... something Joe will absolutely hate. I don't ACTUALLY hate the plays. It brings all of us together and causes so many great memories, but at the same time I don't like being told what to do.'

'Yeah, same.' Cub said, finishing writing. 'The amount of good memories the plays have created, and the audience's reactions... it's all so good.'

'When's this even going to happen? Because we don't have time before Season 9 ends...'

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