11: Resistance

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'Right, let's work on the song again.'

'Can we start running through the script again?' Pleaded Grian instead. 'Or just run the final scene? I like doing stuff.'

'You get to sing day 8, Grian.'

'No one here knows how to sing! Except... three people... and I don't like singing. And none of the people watching will as well.'

'I wrote a song, and it's going alright.'

'I like the song.' Hypno replied sadly

'Grian, we're doing the song.'

'I'm not.' He shot back.

'Fine... Ren, Pearl, prepare to start.'

'But I start the song now...'

'FINE! Etho, you start. Three, two, one...'

The backing began, and Etho started singing.

'In the Christmas Play of Hermitcraft, Joehills did decree, Etho dressed as a Christmas tree!'

'In the Christmas Play of Hermitcraft, Joehills did decree, two Christmas vexes and Etho dressed as a Christmas tree.'

'Hey, Scar, I'll give you half my diamonds if you stop singing and convince Cub to do the same.'



'Oh, sorry!'

'In the Christmas Play of Hermitcraft, Joehills did decree, 4 side villains.'





'And Etho dressed as a Christmas tree!'

'BOTH of you!' Scar gave Grian a thumbs up, earning one back, and he moved onto the next target.'


'Doc, Doc, can you do me a favour and not sing your line?' Grian asked after the loudest line.

'Can I do my idea first, and then try it?'


'Deal.' Grian grinned, hearing Cub feigning confusion about missing his line, and ending up missing his line through it. 

'In the Christmas play of Hermitcraft, Joehills did decree 6 main protagonists.'


'4 side villains.'





'And Etho dressed as a Christmas tree!'


'I... forgot my line.'

'Yeah, so did I.'

'I don't need to do anything when you're interrupting the song yourself!' Laughed Grian. 


'Four side villains!'





'And... Etho dressed as-'

'Two Christmas Vexes!' 

'Etho dressed as two Christmas Vexes?!'


'In the Christmas Play of Hermitcraft, Joehills did decree. 8 different settings.'

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