14: Everyone is director (except Joe)

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'Ok, I have another idea.' Grian began, early on the next day. 'We all get a turn to be director, starting with Cub because he helped me become director, and we switch around after around half an hour... Cub, what do you want us to do?' 

'Freeze... But we can only say the word parkour.'

'Sure... Everyone get in a circle. Who wants to go in first?' Scar and Ren seemed immediately up for it.


'Parkour, parkour parkour parkour parkour.'

'PARKOUR parkour?'

'Parkour parkour parkour!'

'Parkooour... Parkour?'


'Parkour parkour?'

'Parkour! Freeze! Stop this monstrosity!' Grian interrupted, taking Ren's place. 'Parkour.'

'Parkour parkour... Parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour. Parkour parkour parkour. Par. Kour parkour. Parkour parkour parkour. Parkour... Parkour, parkour parkour parkour parkour.'


'Parkour... Parkour parkour parkour parkour. Parkour!'

'Parkour...' Grian nodded along, completely lost

'Parkour, parkour parkour, parkour parkour parkour! Parkour, parkour parkour parkour. Parkour.'

'WHO'S TURN IS IT NEXT?' Grian yelled above Scar's parkour monologue.

'Let's see how long Scar can continue this for...' Cub smirked back, enjoying himself a bit too much.

'Parkour, parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour parkour. PARKOUR! Parkour parkour, parkour parkour parkour. Parkour parkour parkour, parkour parkour! Parkour! Parkour? Parkour parkour parkour, parkour, parkour parkour, parkour parkour parkour.' By this point, Scar has created an entire scene and was acting it out with himself. 'Parkour? Parkour! Parkour... Parkour parkour, parkour. Parkour? Parkour parkour parkour!'

'Stoooooooooop!' Grian groaned. 'Pleaaaaaase!'

'Parkour, parkour parkour?'

'Parkour?!' Cub joined in.



'Parkour, parkour, parkour parkour parkour.'

'Parkour? Parkour parkour... Parkour parkour parkour.'

'Uhh... Freeze?' Ren eventually said, by which point Cub and Scar were halfway through a full conversation both of them apparently understood. 'Scar?'

'Parkour? Yes?'

'That sounds even weirder...'

'What, me speaking normally?'

'I give Scar the director's script.' Cub declared. 'For him to do whatever he wishes.'

'Oh, thank you!' Scar gave a little demon laugh. 'Now... Let's go through scene... 1. Always good to start at the beginning... Can everyone in that scene please get ready to start.

'I have a very bad feeling about this...' Grian grimaced, but watched as Ren, Pearl and the villagers made their way towards the stage, starting the scene.

'Do you know what time it is, Pearlie?' Rendolf exclaimed as he bounded onstage. Pearl followed.

'No, what time is it?'

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