12: The Plan™️

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'Right! I'm going to pretend yesterday didn't happen, and we'll move onto going through some of the tougher scenes... let's start with scene 3, where Pearlie and Rendolf get supplies from Keralis... we have got the props now.'

'Are there 11 of them?'


'You mean you didn't count?!'

'I just needed something to fit the song!'

'Well now I'm definitely going to... hmm...' Grian paused. 'I can't stop you. I can't start a resistance. I CAN'T START A RESISTANCE!'

'I'm sorry! But... Keralis, there's a chest of props for you onstage. Ren, Pearl, enter the other side and we'll try to make this less chaotic that before. Cub, Scar, Grian, I have my eye on you three.'

The chaos trio looked between each other, as the scene began.

'Good evening!' Keralis beamed. 

'We need supplies for our quest!'

'A map.' Interrupted Pearl. 'And coats. And other supplies.'

As the scene continued normally, Grian turned to Cub and Scar.

'Ok, I have a plan to get back the script.'

'The director's script?'

'Shhh! Yeah, but... call it something else. Any ideas?'

'Doesn't this count as resisting?'

'No, because it's not resisting Joe, it's just neatly getting him out of power.'

'Call it the resistance.'

'The script? Great idea. Now, I have an idea of how to get it... Scar, you stay here and cause chaos.'

'I can do that.' 

'Cub, you act sensible, like you're trying to stop Scar from causing chaos. And do everything Joe wants you to... get on his good side.'

'Yeah, sure. So he gives me the resistance.'

'Exactly. And if that fails, we go to good ol' murder. But first we get Joe to set his spawn really far away so he takes ages to get back and one of us gets the resistance when he dies.'

'This is getting very confusing already.'

'Scar, all you have to do is be chaotic... break the stage or something. I have a feeling we're going to be running scene nein after this, so you have a perfect chance to do something stupid and scar-ish... and you have a good chance to stop him.' 

'Total chaos.' Cub suddenly suggested. The other two frowned. 'Everyone's getting tired of running scenes constantly... we can play Total Chaos in character. And if Joe puts his script with the rest of his items, one of us will take it. And if he takes it with him, it ends up with the rest of the dropped items and it's ours.'

'And because we can't be in character without our scripts, we all have to bring them with us, so we can shuffle them all up and everyone gets a random script afterwards... Cub, you're a genius.'

'How do we get Joehills to agree to this?'

'It's just plan B, and we can do what he always asks us to do.'

'What?' Grian grinned.


'DOC THAT WAS GREAT!' Yelled Joe suddenly. The chaos trio turned around to see scene 7 in action. Doc seemed to be finally learning how to act, and Cleo was actually starting to put in some energy. 'Now, run the fight again, and then we can move onto scene 9.'

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