The play itself

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Already, of what I've figured out, this book has the longest average chapter length of all my books, solely because of the dress rehearsal. 

Oh notch this is going to be long.

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The list of people in the audience increased with Grian's adrenaline. Everyone entering, and talking, and taking their seats in the newly built auditorium... Joel constantly yelling that everything would suck and then Tommy defending his honour. 

Joehillssays whispered to you: I believe in you.

You whispered to Joehillssays: We won't let you down

'I can't remember any of my lines.' Scar mumbled. 

'Neither can I.' I replied honestly. 'But don't worry. Everything will be ok. Hopefully you'll remember when we begin...' He looks exhausted, which makes sense considering that he and Cub spent the entire night trying to learn lines. 'Plus you're very good at making up what you say at this point.' 

'I don't want Joe to be upset with me.' 

'Don't worry about Joe. In fact... just do whatever you can. No one in the audience cares how well it's going to go. Joel's basically waiting for it to fail...'

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Dream joined the game

'Ok, who told Dream about the play!?' Pearl sighed. 'This isn't going to go well.'

'Maybe that's the point... it doesn't need to go perfect.' Grian pondered. Suddenly, the makeshift lighting turned off, and his stomach twisted in anticipation. Someone would have to introduce the play... he'd forgotten all of his lines. 

Etho ran onstage.

'Welcome to the Hermitcraft Play!' He yelled, running offstage again. Grian let out a deep breath and stood up.

'Good luck!' Scar whispered. 'You can do this!' 

He walked onstage.

'YES GRIAN!' Yelled Tommy from somewhere in the audience. Grian smiled, and began. 

'Welcome! Friends, pets, and whoever else is here, to the village of Hermitville where I, your humble main character, lives. Please enjoy the show we have for you today, and the quests that I must go on to get the magic thing that will save us all from certain doom!' 

'What's this about certain doom?' Pearl walked onstage to say. Grian's heart raced. The hard bit was done, and he quickly fell into character. 

'Oh, nothing. How are you doing, Pearlie?'

'I'm doing great! Hey, have you heard about Dr Evil coming to find us?'

'We need to stop him!' A cheer from the audience. 

'Good idea! I'll go and tell everyone that we're going!'

'Bye, Pearlie!'

Grian was left alone on stage, crossing it as Sellsknight appeared from stage left.

'Hello! I am Sells-knight! I hear you are in need of some equipment for your quest?'

'I am. Can you offer some for my journey?'

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