4: Loot and Scoot

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It was the next morning. 

Grian was whispering instructions to a very confused Joel on how to yell 'ADVENTURERS NEEDED!' with more passion, and energy, but without too much passion and energy, getting him to say it at least 5 times.

'Joel, you're doing great.' Joe interrupted, glaring at Grian. 'Grian, leave the stage. Gem, you come over and you say...'

'Adventurers? I'd like to be an adventurer!' 

'You? I don't want a GIRL to lead such a dangerous mission!'

'Joel, what does uhh... Mayor Biggand Sexy? What does Mayor Biggand Sexy want?'

'He... doesn't want a girl to lead such a dangerous mission?'

'No, no, deeper than that... WHY doesn't he want that?'

'Because he's sexist?'

'Just continue, Joel...' Joe intervened again.

'Alright then... Is there anyone big and strong like me who could...'

'How does Biggand Sexy FEEL right now?'

'Is there anyone big and strong who...'

'Grian, just shut up!'

'Is there anyone big...'

'I'm trying to help!'

'Is there anyone big and...'

'You're not doing a very good job at it!'

'IS THERE ANYONE BIG AND STRONG LIKE ME WHO COULD GO INSTEAD?' Joel yelled. Grian and Joe fell silent. 'Bloody hell, you two! Sort it out! Kiss each other's necks or something and pretend nothing happened!'

'Right. Well then.'

'I'll stop if Joe lets me be backup director.' Grian crossed his arms. 'Joe?'

'Fine! Cool! If anyone injuries themself, Grian gets to be director! And I mean PROPERLY injuries themselves, as in, they can't come to rehearsals. And they can't be faking, or overexaggurating, or have intentionally done it because they want Grian to direct!' Joe decided, glaring specifically at Cub and Scar. 'Is that alright?'

'Yes. Thank you.'

'Now, carry on.'

Grian left the stage, heading to where Cub, Scar and Etho were talking.

'I don't want to disturb the scene though... And Joe's already mad,' said Scar.

'What's going on?' 

'You know the chests of building supplies at the back of the stage?' Cub started to explain.

'The ones Joe explicitly said were for the backstage crew? Yeah...' Grian replied, already knowing where this was going. 

'I thought they were for random stuff relating to the play so I put my script in there!'

'Oh SCAR!' Grian buried his head in his hands. 'There's a sign on it! Don't you remember Joe lecturing us about it?'

'Hey!' Another person, the very stressed Martyn, appeared, holding a huge book in his hands. 'Cub, Scar I'm so close to finishing your song and was wondering... have you two done anything together I can reference? Even if it's a small thing no one remembers...'

The convex exchanged a glance.

'I mean...' Cub began. 'we've collabbed a bit.'

'Oh yeah, just a few little projects.'

'We had a little pranking duo thing called the Convex.'

'For the entirety of Season 5.'

'...and Season 6.' 

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