19: Freeze

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The snow, that had mostly been ignored the day before in favour of watching Joe grow increasingly angry at not learning lines, had become very dangerous and icy by the third day. No one apparently minded, and rehearsals couldn't be cancelled again, since time was running out to create something good enough and they needed all the time they could spare. 

'Right, today we're going to skip over a couple scenes and work on scene 10... we've gone over scene 7 and 9 to improve the choreography enough, and all scene 8 needed was better personality for the toys, which is improving. But first, we should get in a round or two of freeze, since we're all need a bit of a game once in a while, and quite frankly, I'm too tired to work on scenes all the time... get in a circle... Stress and Iskall you start.'

'We're looking after General Gorgeous!' Insisted the Ice-Queen. The snowman was looking a little worse for wear, but had gained a golden carrot nose and still held the personality of the beloved derpy boi.

'Well, no one's going to hurt him while you're doing your scene... get in the circle and begin.'

'Alright...' The pair obeyed, and began the scene.

'Oh no!' Iskall started. 'My... carrots!'

'Your carrots?'

'It's so omega bad!'

'What happened to the carrots?' 

'They were... eaten! By the omega bunnies... of doom!' To which Tango started cackling with laughter. 

'Oh no! The omega bunnies of doom!'


'Can we stop them?'

'I don't know, but we need to do something...'

'Freeze!' Grian yelled, then pushed Mumbo into the circle. 'He's replacing Stress.'


'What's going on?' The moustached fellow blinked back.

'Hallo, Mumbo!' Iskall began regardless.

'Hello, Iskall?'

'Let's make a new mega shop!'


'Yeah, we can call it... Everest.'

'Ok? Why are we deciding that here?'

'It's a game, Mumbo! We've been playing it for ages!'

'Can I go back to fixing the redstone?'

'No, freeze!' Grian took Iskall's place. 'Mumbo, the moon's going to crash into the server again!'


'We need to dig a hole out of the world!'

'Boatem hole!' Scar declared excitedly. 'Yes!'

'O... k... Joe can we... stop this?'

'Fine. Jevin replace Mumbo.' The highly reluctant slime entered the stage, sighing.

'Oh no... there's a vicious swamp monster that's going to kill us...' He began in a monotone. Grian crossed his arms. 'It's attacking us! And now we're both dead. Done.' 

And with that, Jevin left the stage.

'Let's just get on with scene 10...'

They met Mumbo back at the stage, where he had rather successfully reconstructed the set system, including several anti-Grian measures that should've really been in place before. 

'Great! Can you change it to the set for scene 10? That's the last set of the 8.'

'8 different sets...' Ren sung quietly,

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