24: The Stress Rehearsals

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The quality entire day was preempted by the fact just under half of the hermits were late for the dress rehearsals, and then a lot of them had lost/misplaced their costumes. Ren was the only person to show up in costume, and Etho swore he's tried to, but couldn't exactly move in it. 

And then there came the problem with make up, which Stress had lost. 

'You had it two days ago!' 

'Well I don't have it now, luv.' She shot back. 'I lost it!'

'Where did you put it?'

'In a shulker box.'

'Pearl?' They all looked to the resident cleaning lady.

'I... lost track of my entire system when Scariah Carey arrived. It could be anywhere.'

'Right. Scar, Grian you find it.'

'Why us?!'

'Because you should be good at finding items hidden in shulker monsters at this point!' Joe snapped. The desert duo looked between each other,

'Well, he's not wrong about that...'

'Good. Anyone who's missing their costumes, they're all over here sorted alphabetically.' A whole lot of hermits moved towards the only actually sorted costumes, while Grian and Scar started their search. It took less than 2 minutes for Scar to uncover the set of make up, handing it  to Stress before grabbing his own costume. 

It took a while longer for everyone to be in costume and backstage, but with a lot more energy than their last attempted run-through. 

'Right, this will be our last run through before the play tomorrow... is everyone ready to begin?' Joe called. There were various murmurs of agreement backstage, before the play began.

'Hey! Pearlie! It's Christmas tomorrow!' Ren started incorrectly. 

'What? Yeah.'

'Woo! Christmas!' Called the villagers.

'That means the Christmas God is going to come and bless us all with presents!' 

'What did you want?'

'I wanted new socks!'

'Wow! New socks! I wanted a pet wolf called Tilly!'

'And if the tradition is correct, the Christmas God will appear right...'

'Boo!' Scar landed onstage, 'I'm evil! The Christmas God is... dead!'

'What? No!' Called Hypno.

'This is a catastrophe!' Agreed Gem

'We will stop you!' Ren ran at Scar, who forgot to magic hand correctly. It didn't really matter as Ren fell over of his own accord, and Scar decided to shove him offstage.

'Ow.' Was his reply. 

'See! I have defeated the fool who dared to oppose me with my mind and magic too complicated for you fools to understand!'

'Rendolf! No!' Cried False 'How dare you... Pearlie, I shall join you on your quest to defeat them.'

'What quest? There's no quest.'


'It could be...' She replied, arms crossed, with a shrug. Ren pulled his way to his feet, waving his script at False, who took it.

'Whoever has the script plays the role...' Joe glared at her and Ren, before the scene continued,

'All of you puny mortals will suffer!' Declared Scar, sweeping from the stage in a burst of vex fire.

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