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Authors note: thanks you guys so much for all the support. We are so close to 1000 views which I can not be happier about. Thank you for making it to chapter 15 and sticking with me as I try my hardest to get these chapters out as quickly as possible.

I would love to incorporate your guys ideas in this story. If you have any suggestions please put them as a response.

Enjoy my horrible battle writing.

I knew Douma had no interest in the hashira. He just wanted to make sure I was ok. The hashira had other plans however.

He used one of his breathing styles and Douma sacrificed his arm. "My my what a fine hashira I've come across." Douma was cocky as his arm grew back in mere seconds.

He gave me a signal that I knew all to well. I ran up to him attacking not near his neck. "Ice breathing 4th form: iceberg!" I announced taking off both his arms.

"I never expected such a girl to be a hashira." He teased knowing how pissed I would be. I stuck my tongue out at him while I had the chance.

"Y/n! Make sure everyone is safely away from this demon!" The hashira yelled moving infront of me attacking Douma.

Unfortunately I had to listen and went over to tanjiro. I sat next to him unbothered with a demon being right infront of my eyes.

"Y/n why are you so calm." I soon realized that he was awake and staring at me. 'Jeez I thought he passed out for some reason.' I thought before finally responding to his comment.

"That demon has no interest in me. He wants the stronger hashira." I made up some half ass excuse that I guess worked because he focused on the battle.

I let out a sigh watching the battle. Obviously Douma was fucking around to see if I would be tempted to butt in. I stayed on the ground with my sword covered though.

I soon realized he wasn't even looking at the hashira, his eyes only could land on me. It's almost as if he was trying to eat me away.

"I'm dearly sorry but this is no longer a fun game." Douma threw his fan up in the air before repeatedly punching the hashira in the stomach.

I tried not to laugh at how he waisted all that energy for nothing! The laugh was short lived. I soon noticed the fan was actually headed for the boy next to me. I panicked not wanting this boy to die yet. Without speaking a word I jumped up and grabbed the fan before it was even close.

Douma was caught off guard by this letting the hashira land a hit. "Y/n! Protect young tanjiro!" I didn't even hear the hashiras words. Did I just save him..?

I looked at the fan and then at Douma. His eyes were on me but they were not sending me weird vibes. "Interesting, I never thought you would notice that." He tried to play it off while attacking the hashiras sword.

He was actually putting up a good fight. A fight Douma has been waiting for. "What amazing strength!" The rest I was unable to hear. But the hashiras face dropped when Doumas mouth shut.

I shook my head thinking it was just a bluff to attack but the hashira looked at me with eyes of hatred. While Doumas fan was stuck in the middle of his stomach.

He was unable to talk. He could only cough up blood. "RENGOKU!" Tanjiro screamed, while I just looked at Douma who had a smile on his face.

I looked at tanjiro and then again at Douma before grabbing my sword and having his fan in hand running towards him fighting. "What did you say to him." I asked slicing his neck with his fan. It wasn't deep enough to cut his head off but enough to do
Some damage.

"Hm I never knew you would be interested my dear. I just told him your a two-faced bitch. It was a harmless joke darling." he told me smiling at me.

I covered my sword again only fighting him with his fan. My eyes gave him enough to tell I was out for blood. Tanjiro was focused on rengoku while he was bleeding out.

"Don't tell me you like that boy.." his question confused me and he could see it on my face, so he added onto his question. " you protected him when I could have easily killed him and fighting me knowing he was next."

I placed my hand down that was holding the fan thinking about the words spoken. "Is that where your loyalty stands?" He asked me. I had no idea how to respond. Is that who I'm truly loyal too?

"Y/n! Don't listen to him! You can beat him!!" I hear Tanjiro scream from behind.

I could see Doumas expression change when he heard him cheering for me. It's like he went mad. He charged at me almost cutting off one of my limbs.

The force I felt was enough to send me flying backward.

I couldn't move anything in my body. My body was fully numb from the amount of force on my body.

I tried to move my eyes to see what has happened. Akaza stood keeping Douma away. I felt tears going down my face realizing he had tried to kill me. I felt arms wrap around me before I passed out.

Doumas pov

I wasn't thinking straight. I lost all thoughts and just acted. The girl I love the most in front of me as I attempted to take her life. Contact was almost meet but I saw another party go in between with incredible speed.

I saw Y/n fly backwards near the red haired kid. My fists landed in someone's palms. The palms belonged to my dear friend akaza. "What the fuck Douma." He yelled at me.

I didn't respond, nor did I attack. I stood there trying to calm my anger. I looked over the shoulder of my right how enemy seeing Y/n in the arms of that boy. She looked to be struggling to even breathe.

My eyes softened at the sight of her being in pain. The boy however had eyes of hatred. It looked as if he was going to kill me. His eyes looked to be enough to cut off my head.

"Douma, let it go. You almost killed her don't do it again." Akaza told me letting me go at last. A tear could be felt but not seem on my cheek as me and akaza fled.

I'm so sorry my dear, please come see me.

Y/n's pov

I jumped up breathing heavily. I grabbed ahold of where my heart would be as if it was jumping out of my chest.

I looked around my eyes wide open with fear. I was in the infirmary. I couldn't blink, all I saw was him.

I covered my face with the palms of my hands. What the hell happened. I saw the butterfly girl walk in, aoi I believe. And trailing behind shinobu.

"Ah! You shouldn't be sitting up" aoi yelled at me. I almost muttered the name I should never in front of slayers. My breathing was having a hard time slowing down.

Aoi felt my heartbeat and knew something was wrong whispering to shinobu. I was unable to do anything. I felt weak and helpless, without Douma, my teacher I was nothing. Why would he try to kill me..?

That battle was hard to write and reread. I need to read more and find out how to write battle scenes.. tbh is this even a battle??

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