Valentine's Day special

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Today was a day of disgust. Every year people go all out for there partner just to get broken up with a few months later.

Today was my first Valentine's Day with Douma. (This is taken place during your training arc.) I was not excited for today. Normally I look forward to Douma getting me up for our training session.

The moment he gets me up and drags me out all the couple will be having breakfast together all cute and that.

I looked at the door just waiting for Douma to retrieve me. I was putting on my boots in the meantime.

I waited, Waited, And waited, for hours it felt like. 'Don't tell me he found some mushy things to do with someone.' I rolled my eyes just thinking about the stupid shit he could be doing.

I finally just opened my door and walked out. Well I would have walked out if I didn't face plant onto the wooden floor.

I was already pissed from waiting and now I trip on something? I was ready to destroy whatever was in my way, but when I looked at it I wanted to do more than just destroy it.

It was a basket full of candy, hearts, and a teddy bear. 'Someone did not just give me this disgusting shit.' I said to myself, sitting up to look through it.

I took everything out and looked to see if it was poisoned at all. (Spoiler: it wasn't poisoned.)

I ended up throwing it in my room before locking my door.

I walked out to the dining area and of course, I was correct. All Doumas people where out dinning all happily with there lovers.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my sword and going outside. 'This snow is never ending..' I thought, trudging through the snow.

Our training spot was empty. There was no materials or anything. I was so confused and thought maybe someone took it inside.

I rushed back in only to be greeted by Douma. "Your late. Aren't you supposed to be my teacher?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

He chuckled holding the bear I put in my room in my face. "Did you not like my gifts?" He swung the bear around as he waited for my answer.

I muttered just enough for him to hear, "I hate Valentine's Day..."

His smile faded at my words. I know it probably crazy to hear. 'Who hates Valentine's Day?' Me that's who. Everyone would give me gifts and admit there love to me. It was so gross. I don't know how people could date or even marry.

Douma spoke no words. Only grabbed my hand and dragged me back inside. "Hey! We have training!" I yelled at him.

Everyone in the dinning room stared at us as Douma forced me into a chair and pushed me in. He sat across from me.

He smiled softly at me before handing me todays menu. "Did you seriously turn your temple into a diner..." I said, a tic mark appearing over my forehead.

He nodded at me with a bigger smile plastered on his face. 'Oh this demon is going to kill me one day.' (Foreshadowing??? Jk Jk! Don't come at me😭)

I banged my head on the table not wanting to be here anymore. Douma just ordered us food he thought I liked.

I could feel his eyes on me for 5 mins before I finally snapped. "Damn it Douma! What is this all about? Stop giving me that look it's creeping me out and why must I be apart of this. I just wanted to train today and get better." I kept complaining about every little thing I could think of before Douma finally stopped me.

"My dear, you are the most important thing to me. That's why we are here. I did all this to show how much you mean to me. Not to be weird or anything Y/n." He smiled at his own kind words.

I blinked at him a few times before the food came out and we both stopped staring at each other.

My eyes lit up at the amount of food on the table. I started eating immediately after seeing (favorite breakfast food).

Douma simply stared at the food. I knew he refused to eat human food. Apparently it's disgusting to him. I never really cared about his dislike of human food.

I finished the food soon and stacked all the plates to be taken away. "Thank you Douma for the nice food. Now can we please train!" I begged him.

I could hear a 'Hm' from him before he shook his head at me. "This is an us day Y/n I don't want you getting hurt while training."

"It's always an us day when we train." I shot back. I had no idea what his problem was. I really was tempted to stab him with the sword around my waist.

"I'm going to train either way. I have less than a year to grow Douma. I need to be ready for the time to come. To unfortunately serve the slayers." I told him, before standing up and taking my leave.

This was important for me. No way I'm letting him distract me with his childish ways.

I wanted to surprise Y/n. I was so happy when I found the basket gone from the door way. I went to retrieve her for breakfast but the door was locked.

I got the spare key she always seem to forget I have and saw all my gifts on the floor. I sighed, grabbed the bear I got her and started walking to the front door of my temple.

I ran into her on the way outside. She crossed her arms at me, clearly pissed. "Your late. Aren't you supposed to be my teacher?" She said. I only chuckled, holding my bear up in her face.

"Did you not like the gifts?" I swung the bear around waiting for an answer.

She proceeded to make excuses to train by saying she hated Valentine's Day.

I brought her to a table which only made her whine and complain more. I ordered food to shut her up which it did.

She finished her food and stacked the plates up neatly. She thanked me and then continued to whine and beg to train. I still refused and said it was an us day.

I knew she didn't like that answer because she got up in a huff and started to walk outside.

I could probably be seen as sad and pathetic then. I took a box out of my pocket and opened it. 'She didn't even notice the promise ring I got for her..' I sighed, going back to my room and shoving the box into a drawer.

I wanted to promise her the world. A world I couldn't give kotoha. I thought Y/n would love it. She didn't even notice it however...

I found myself just staring at the drawer not knowing what I should do in that moment.

Happy Valentine's Day...My love.
Authors note:

DAMN IT I MISSED MY DEADLINE FOR THIS SPECIAL😭 I am so sorry i couldn't get it out on time I hope it doesn't affect the feel to much. I don't know how I wanna do this story yet. Do you guys mind spoilers for the manga or do you want me to make up my own ending? Please let me know!

And I did a double upload! Don't expect that ever again.

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