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I drew my sword and started sprinting towards the 2 already fighting. When I arrived close enough I swung my sword at Daki.

She turned her head away just in time before I sliced her neck. She jumped back after my sudden arrival, actually looking a bit scared. She knew I was stronger than her, but still chose to play the stronger role.

"You missed." She pointed out politely, returning a blow to me. I blocked with my sword and Tanjiro tried to take a hit. He unfortunately failed and got flung into a building.

"Now that that brats out of my way. Why did you just try to kill me Y/n? We are on the same team! You didn't have to join the fight!" She yelled at me.

I smiled and looked at her in the eyes. Her eyes were engraved with "upper 6". "I was ordered to execute you. I can't refuse orders from a superior. You know how it is." I responded sweetly.

I could see she was boiling with anger, one more comment could push her over the edge. I decided against it and just wanted to finish her off.

"Ice breathing, 4th form! Frostbite!" I yelled charging right for her neck. She countered with sending her patterned weapon straight at me. I dodged it with a simple jump and a front flip to land behind her. I held the sword at her neck ready to slice it off.

I found myself pausing at the sudden pain I felt on my side. I almost dropped my sword from the pain I was feeling. I looked down to see Daki had hit me with her obi sashes. (Hope that's what the fabric things are called please correct me if wrong)

"Don't go up an opponent who knows of your weak points bitch." She called out, coming in closer to me.

I was in too much pain to even realize her advancement towards myself. She knew exactly where to hit me and how hard. It was barely even a scratch, yet the pain was unbearable.

"I'm sure Master Douma would love to hear about his little traitor that tried to kill me." She laughed, kicking my body as if I were a body bag. The one kick managed to send me into a building on the other side of the street.

Tanjiro had seen my injured self and quickly aided me. We were both pretty beat up as of now, no way we could kick ass in this state. 'Where the hell is Uzui, boar and crybaby? Heavy on where the hell is Uzui.' I was clearly frustrated and hurt.

I looked up at Daki who was smiling brightly at both of us. She was bound to get bored and kill the kid. I would be spared, maybe.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see young Tanjiro by my side. I heard a loud bang which caused me to flinch. I couldn't bare to look at the sight.

I felt a hand on my shoulder slightly shoving it, the hands owner was trying not to hurt me. That much was obvious. I expected it to be Uzui being fashionably late. To my surprise it was Tanjiro, his only hand that was not on my shoulder pointing to a Daki going in and out of consciousness and his sister looking furious.

My eyes widened with surprise. "When did you train her..?" I asked aloud without thinking. I looked Tanjiro in his red eyes searching for an answer.

"I never trained her.." he replied hesitantly. I shot my head back over Nezukos way, pretty terrified of her strength to be honest. She was on upper moon level.

(Mind you she is already in her full demon form. Tanjiro was lost for words and had no idea how to tell Y/n about his sister till after she transformed)

Nezuko and Daki kept going back and forth with Nezuko coming out on top. She put Daki out of commission for at least a little while. Me and Tanjiro were visibly happy with her and also surprised.

Our surprise soon turned to a different kind of surprise when she attempted to attack a by stander. Tanjiro was quick to act, catching her with his sword across her mouth. He managed not to cut her with it and held her back.

I tried to go over to help but wasn't able to stand for even a second. My previous injury was taking a toll on my body and with Daki reopening my wound it wasn't any better.

I knew I was holding on by a thread. Blood began to soak my hand and clothes. My vision became blurry before I felt someone grab me. I felt a chop on my neck before I blacked out for the rest of this battle.

Third person POV

Daki had hit Y/n to finally remove her from this battle. Daki has known of her injury and how much it hurts when hit with a specific amount of force.

Tanjiro has calmed down Nezuko to a sleeping state before looking at Y/n and her lifeless body. He never knew about the injury and was shocked to lay his eyes on it. It was definitely not a pretty sight at all.

He rushed over to Y/n trying to take out Daki. That was when Uzui finally made it to the fight. He was very much fashionably late, but didn't seem to mind. He couldn't commit to an attack because of Y/n being in the demon girls arms.

He instead kicked the demon inside a house and continued to kick her in attempts to have her let go of Y/n. Once she lost her grip on Y/n, Uzui wasted no time going in to grab Y/n and slice the demon girls head off.

She was visibly pissed about losing her grip on me and getting bested by a low tier hashira. (Sorry for the Tengen slander)

She began crying for her brother, Gyutaro, who was trapped within her body. He emerged from her back and began to fight Uzui. Y/n's lifeless body laid on the floor on the house as the huge battle began.

Someone was still on the outskirts of the battle along with Y/n. He came to her side and took care of her. He began to feel for a pulse and felt that it was faint. The figures bright eyes began to darken and become dull at your state. He began to become scared you wouldn't make it much longer. "Y/n! Y/N! WAKE UP! Y/N!" He screamed almost in her ear.

The mystery figure was, no surprise, Douma. He picked Y/n up in his cold muscular arms, running away from the city to some place.

The battle continued on as Douma ran faster than he ever could before. He knew if he didn't resort to such measures Y/n wouldn't survive. She would be totally against it and probably hate him. He had no care about that. As long as she was alive she may hate him for all eternity.

The battle ended with the slayers being victorious, only missing a member of the team. The siblings had gone off to whatever afterlife there was for them. And Douma arriving to save Y/n from her death bed.

(What is Doumas plan of action to save his apprentice? Leave your guesses, I would love to head your ideas)

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