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I was in bed rest for a week now. I refused to eat and just laid in bed. Everyone was worried about my health while I could only think of Douma.

Is he upset I protected a slayer..? I thought he wanted me to act as one of them. I could sometimes feel hot tears on my cheeks, sliding across my nose as well.

It was day 8 of me not eating anything but the air in the room. Shinobu came in with some soup and water. Shinobu never personally came in herself, normally it was aoi handing me food I never touched.

She carried the tray with the food and drink placing it on the bed next to me while she sat on my bed. We sat in silence, well I laid in silence until she realized I wasn't planning on engaging in any type of conversation.

"It's not your fault about rengokus death.. you did good protecting who you did." She told me smiling down upon me.

She couldn't see my face but my eyes widened. She thinks I'm upset about his death..? I chose to follow along with what she was saying to not cause suspicion.

"I..couldn't do anything to save him..he told me to protect the others and took over the fight. Upper moon 2 is no joke..." I sniffled. I felt a hand on my arm.

"You both did what you had to to protect the passengers and young Tanjiro, speaking of him he's very worried about your health." She spoke calmly as she always did.

Why would I care about that kid! He's the reason I almost died! I felt tears in my eyes again. That kid ruined everything! He's the reason for all of this! If he would have just died!

I looked up to meet Shinobus eyes. She also held a bowl of soup. I could tell she wanted me to eat badly. I took the bowl and put it to my lips, taking in some of the lukewarm broth.

She had a smile on her face, seeing me eat for the first time in a week.

I finished the bowl in under 5 mins and also the water she brought with it. "Thank you very much for your hospitality. I will be forever grateful." I tell her. Some part of me was saying the truth but some of me thought I was lying.

"If you would like to take part in rehabilitation training when you recover, please do. The boys have already started there's and probably would love if you joined." Shinobu spoke, taking the tray with empty dishes with her out of the room.

I laid on my back and put both my hands on my face, covering my whole face. My body was pathetic right now. How the hell am I supposed to do anything? I hate just laying around..

I lifted up my shirt to see my stomach wound was all patched up. My eyes widened knowing that shinobu probably found my weakness.

I waisted no time standing up. I didn't care how weak my body was, I was going to rehabilitation training so I can murder that kid and murder that hashira while I'm at it.

I walked into the rehabilitation training room, all eyes being on me. I saw the hashira and Tanjiro wasn't in the room. I just wanted a punching bag at this point.

"Ah! Miss. Y/n! Your not supposed to be here yet!" One of the little girls told me. I ignored her squeaky complaint and went over to boar head and cry baby.

"Oi, idiots. Where's number 3." I asked plainly. I saw Aoi looking surprised I was out of bed. I only gave her a second of my time before going back to the 2 boys infront of me.

"He wanted to work on his breathing style!" Zenitsu screamed, pretty terrified of me. The boar only pointed to the outside.

I nodded before running out of the room over to him. Before I could make my way over I was stopped by Shinobu followed by Kanao.

"Why are you out of bed Y/n?!" Shinobu said, expressing her concern for me still being pretty unwell.

"I'm fine. I don't need to be in bed for another second." I said, not giving my full attention to her. I could tell she was fuming and wanted to strangle me, yet she still kept herself calm.

"Y/n. You didn't eat for over a week. Your body can not handle training nor can I handling much walking. Please go back to the infirmary." She said smiling softly at me.

"My body is perfectly fine thank you and I'm not planning on training today." I spoke plain and simple.

At this point Tanjiro had seen us all gathered around and came over to us. "Y/n! I'm so glad your ok!" He expressed his gratitude as well for saving him.

This kid made my blood boil. 'Saving you? Like I wanted to. I should have left you for dead!' I thought. Even with my horrible thoughts I kept a straight face.

To cover my annoyance towards the boy I only nodded at him. I knew I couldn't do anything to him right now with everyone around. May have jumped up to fast.

I felt pain begin to rise in my stomach. I took a few steps backwards, leading forward putting my hand in my knees. I put a hand on my stomach as I struggled to breathe.

My wound hurt more than my stomach. I don't know why it was burning so bad. I've had it for over a year now, it shouldn't bother me so much.

Shinobu realized I was about to pass out and quickly caught me. "Y/n! What's happening?" Shinobu expressed concern, not knowing what to do. The infirmary was a little far from where the 4 of us stood and I could barely walk.

I was fighting to not pass out and leave them here while I slowly succumb to my wound. Yet the only real reason I had was Douma. He didn't teach me to be a little pussy. I was better than this. And yet here I was ready to die.
Authors note:
THIS PART TOOK FOREVER! I had writersblock for a long time on this part I had no idea what I was doing😭 I was about ready to publish 200 words and time skip 500 years. Ok maybe not 500 years but maybe a year. I finally figured out a way though. Thanks for 3000 views on this story and the crazy support on it. I really appreciate it!

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