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I woke up having a raging headache. I saw that I was back at Doumas temple by the look of it at least.

I sat up and became to call out for him. Nothing came out however...my voice just vanished.

I looked around and saw blood everywhere in the room. My eyes shined a bright blue at the sight of it. Blood was everywhere in this temple...

I took my attention to the door to exit the room and quickly did. I ran to where the blood smell was strongest. The room was filled with bodies and 3 undead bodies.

The 2 people looked at me with surprise before Douma ran over to me with his full speed. He picked me up and held me tight. Koko and Akaza just stared amazed by my appearance.

I tried to speak again but again nothing came out. I just let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm so glad your alive...I'm so sorry.." he kept apologizing over and over to me. I didn't understand why. Is it because I lost my voice?

"How does your demon form feel?" Koko asked politely.

I began to freak out and hit Douma repeatedly to let me go. He got the message and put me down. I sped over to a mirror looking at my demon form.

"Your still fairly new. You should be able to speak after a nice meal!" Koko told me, clasping his hands together. He was weird around me...I don't know what it was but he was always weirdly cheerful...kinda...

Akaza handed me a few limbs to feast on. The blood was overwhelming. I tried to refrain from it, but I just couldn't. I ripped threw more than 50 people, regaining my strength.

"Why the fuck am I a demon." I said, wiping the blood off my face. Douma knew how pissed I was for taking away my life. Even though he only did it to save me.

"Did you want to die? I apologize for the inconvenience." Douma said playfully, hoping to liven the mood. I ended up getting irritated and raised my voice. "Do you not care about how I feel about it!? What if I did want to die it's better than being a fucking demon! I am what killed my family Douma! My friends!"

I charged at him with my new raw strength. I wasn't weak anymore so I could actually go for Douma and cut off whatever I wanted. Koko and Akaza attempted to pull me off of him but failed as I kicked both of them in the stomach. I attempted to rip off Doumas arm but found myself only dragging him a bit.

"Have you forgotten how many people I have eaten compared to you? I am much stronger my dear. I do wish you luck with trying to kill me in your new form." He said smiling at me.

I was visibly frustrated and wanted to kill somebody. Unfortunately for me there was no one I could kill.

I got off of Douma and backed away from him. "I guess it can't be helped. It may not be all that bad, we are now at a disadvantage with me being a demon now." I crossed my arms, huffing.

They all nodded in agreement with me as I looked over at my pile of bones I ate. "Do I have to eat people...? It was kinda gross.." I stuck out my tongue that had a bit of blood on.

"Well to be completely honest I don't believe you are fully demon. I could be mistaken, but I believe Master Muzan can turn you fully demon. Douma is unable to fully convert you." Koko so kindly explained to us.

Douma nodded his head in agreement. "I believe lower 5 converted people to demons, but one could still turn into there human forms. At least a part of her turned to her human form." I recalled from my human memories.

He would punish that girl so much. I felt sorry for her almost if she wasn't so annoying.

"Well Y/n destroyed our food supply so let's teach her how to find humans." Akaza suggested. Ofc he expressed that he would be finding men and we could find the girls.

"The men tasted absolutely vile. I think I will stick to women. Sorry Akaza." I said, having no idea how to say you would eat all the women. Douma nodded at me and said I was correct about my assumptions. Women do taste better than men. (Does that sound weird I hope now I'm gonna change this weird subject..)

We ended up heading to a nearby village and the boys taught me how to fight in my demon form. I also think they wanted to see my blood demon art. They kept talking about what I would want it to be. My answer every time was I didn't know.

Part of me wanted to keep my ice but what would it do to my demon form..and what if I truly was half and half? If it did so much damage to me as a human. Would it still hurt me if I'm like this..?

My head was all over the place while we were feasting on our prey. They said I would feel extreme hunger due to the transformation draining my energy. I didn't mind my hunger. I just cared about how the hell I would survive in Masters presents if I was a demon! Would he even agree with it!?

The question that haunted me was if I could turn back to human...surely there's a cure..right?

I was afraid to asked Douma that question as I was worried he would refuse to answer or get upset with me for thinking such a thing. I wanted to be human..life as a demon sounds like a nightmare and now I have to life that nightmare.

We finished off all the people in the village that mostly I ate. There was a few hundred I think that I ate. Mostly because Douma kept forcing me to eat.

Koko and Akaza where just impressed by how much I've grow already and how many humans I've ate. And after all that I ate they expressed how they strongly believed I was half and half. They came to this conclusion because I still remembered all of my memories which they had mostly lost. I also still had cravings of human food and not just demons.

Now came the question we all feared and I thought of before. How do we explain this to Master Muzan.

We all sat and pondered what to do about the explanation. We all know it was a mistake in the same way and it was right in the same way. The mistake was I can possibly no longer work along side the hashira and the right was I was alive instead of dead.

Even though they've been alive for years and years they were not smart enough to figure this out. I wasn't even smart enough to figure it out which actually doesn't say a lot...

We left the village to go to the infinity castle after a few minutes of chatting. We decided since Douma was the one that did it he would have to explain. I had no part in this decision, so I most likely wouldn't be killed unless he's in a bad mood. Which seems to me he always is.

I decided to go with Nakime and catch up with her. Ever since I started the slayers I haven't been talking with her. My schedule was too crammed with the crazy training I was put through.

The meeting took a lot of time and I felt a lot of bloodlust but in the end Master agreed it was the right decision. I was a huge asset to the demons. I know the hashiras weakness and all there breathing styles. We had the upper hand in this war.

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