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I grabbed a sword that was possibly left for me but I didn't care. I was stupid for using my ability when I saw that kid loading his gun.

I put the antidotes in my pocket and held my sword tightly in my hands. My grip was strong enough to break the sword if I had my demon strength.

"DOUMA!!" I yelled when I got far into the forest. He had to have came looking for me. No way he would ever leave me.

I ran to his temple, but when I got there..I didn't even know it was the temple. It was just a pile of ash..

I could smell the burning flesh that took place just hours ago. Either it was Douma or the hashira. I would like to guest the Demon slayers since Douma would never destroy our only way of meeting again.

"Y/n! Where did you go?!" I heard a group of people yelling for me and I started to freak out. I didn't know what to do. How was I going to escape them and how was I going to find Douma again.

For the first time in years I completely broke down. I fell to my knees and started sobbing. I couldn't take this anymore and I knew in that moment just how weak I truly ways.

I heard footsteps approach me and I quickly hushed the sobs but some sounds still escaped my lips. I hated looking pathetic, but what was I to do in this situation...Douma would surely die to poison or they would kill him when they turn him human. If they can even accomplish that..

I felt arms wrap around me and I quickly rose my head to see it was Tanjiro. Nezuko stood behind him with a small smile on her face.

Tears became to spill out more and Tanjiro fully pulled me into a hug. I was almost 20 years old...and I was breaking down infront of kids that went through absolute hell. I was fucking pathetic...

Nezuko quickly came over and joined the hug. I didn't hug them back, but I will admit..it was nice to have some kind of comfort in this moment..

"Come back with us Y/n. We can end this battle together.." Nezuko said, while Tanjiro nodded his head in agreement.

I couldn't breathe after hearing that. 'End this battle..' those words repeated in my mind for what felt like an eternity.

I quickly shoved them away and looked at them with so much fear in my eyes. "I won't let you touch him.." I whispered to myself.

I could see both of there faces shift with confusion so I yelled the words that built up in my throat. "YOU WONT LAY A FUCKING FINGER ON DOUMA YOU BASTARDS!"

I don't know my reaction was like that... it's like all the rage I had kept from these people...just left I'm the form of words. Tears began spilling again and I just ran...I ran as far as my legs could take me.

Tanjiro and Nezuko began to run after me but my speed was far quicker than there's...I mean I was a fellow hashira when I was first a human.

They soon stopped trying to keep up and just kept yelling words at me, but I blocked it all out. I ignored all my surroundings and focused on one thing only. Finding a demon.

My tears had stopped running down my face and I grew tired from the energy that took up. I stopped running and fell against a tree. My legs were shaking more than the rest of my body.

I was completely breaking down, mentally and physically. My head fell back against the tree and I breathed out fast and heavy breaths.

It was soon night and demons would surely be around. Hopefully Douma trying to regain his strength, or even Koko.

I rested against the tree until the sun fully set. I stood up and began walking through wherever I was. (Yea..your basically kinda lost so...good luck)

Spoiler alert: YOU DIDNT FIND SHIT!!

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