Rescue Knights: Luke Stars and the Dragon

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where the princess and earl are preparing for Luke Stars arrival with a little help from an special pup)

(Mirage and self duplicates walk past the princess)

Mirage: Princess where'd you want these speakers again?

Princess of Barkingburg: Over there please!

Mirage: Alright!

(princess contacts Ryder)

Princess of Barkingburg: So Ryder when will you and the pups be here?

Ryder: Soon princess, so how are preparations going for the big concert?

Princess of Barkingburg: Mirage is doing a perfect job helping everyone set up the stage and equipment.

Mirage: (shouts) Clear! (gets zapped from an exposed wire she's sitting on while her copies vanish into thin air)

(Princess witnessed what happened to Mirage)

Princess of Barkingburg: (shouts) Mirage! (runs over to the zapped pup)

(Claw is secretly nearby overhearing about Luke Stars)

(Duke of Flappington walks up to Claw)

Duke of Flappington: Claw if we make sure that Luke Stars doesn't show up then folks might prefer me over my cousin as ruler of Barkingburg!

Claw: I don't even know what he looks like!

Duke of Flappington: Oh! That slightly complicates things then.

(scene changes to the princess checking on Mirage)

Mirage: (sniffs herself) Oh! I smell like a toasted pup! (dozes off) (snores)

Princess of Barkingburg: Go ahead Mirage you deserve some rest after your hard work.

Earl of Barkingburg: (contacts Ryder explaining what happened)

Ryder: I hope Mirage is alright.

Princess of Barkingburg: (walks over with Mirage sleeping on her shoulder) She's alright Ryder but looks like she needs a nap!

(Mirage nuzzles the princess with her head)

Princess of Barkingburg: Aww! So cute!

Sweetie: (coughs) Hey! What about me!

Princess of Barkingburg: You're cute too Sweetie.

Sweetie: Okay then! (notices Claw) Hey is that Claw?

Princess of Barkingburg: Claw? (looks to see the pup with her cousin)

Princess of Barkingburg: (shouts) What are you both doing here?

Duke of Flappington: Oh! Would you look at the time gotta run! (leaves)

Claw: Me too! (follows duke)

Sweetie: Not sure why they're here?

Princess of Barkingburg: Me either!

(scene changes to the Paw Patrol and Mayor Goodway entering the Air Patroller)

Mayor Goodway: Thanks again for letting us come Ryder!

Chickaletta: (clucks)

Ryder: No problem you two!

Robo-Dog: (barking)

(Air Patroller takes flight)

(scene changes to Mission Paw Cruiser arriving outside the castle where the stage has been set up)

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