Paw Patrol: Pups and the Octo-Pup

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(scene opens to Everest and Skye on lifeguard duty while Melody's family are peaceful resting nearby)

Mirage: Such a lovely day to visit the beach!

Melody: It sure is sweetie! (looks out at the ocean)

Mirage: Something wrong mom?

Melody: Just wondering about a former friend!

Mirage: Huh?

Melody: Let just say Clover wasn't the only different pup among us there was one other!

Venus: (nods) Midnight the Octo-Pup and formerly the royal caretaker who we welcomed.

Wildfire: She was our friend for many years until she revealed to that man who to get rid of us!

Elastica: At least I handled that man!

Wildfire: Indeed! You make our ancestors proud by destroying that villain in your own way for what he did!

(scene changes to around Puplantis where a tearful Octo-Pup lies among the sea floor)

Midnight: (cries) I never should've made that deal! Plus that man lied and double-crossed me by erasing almost all the genie pups from existence! I also know that Melody was only doing what was best for everyone!

(fishing net approaches without warning ensnaring the Octo-Pup)

Midnight: Hey?! (is pulled up to the surface and brought aboard The Flounder)

Francois: Cousin! Come check this out!

Cap'n Turbot: Whoa! This pup looks like it's half octopus!

Midnight: I'm more squid like since I've got ten limbs

Cap'n Turbot: Good point! (surprised) Wait! You can talk!

Midnight: (scared) What do you want with me?

Francois: Easy! Pup we mean no harm!

Midnight: (reveals her magic wand) Back! (uses wand to turn Francois into a penguin before escaping the net) Yipe!

Cap'n Turbot: Wait! Can I at least get a photo?

Midnight: (looks back) Photo?

Cap'n Turbot: It's a picture!

Midnight: (unsure) Okay?

(Cap'n Turbot snaps a photo before Midnight slips into the water)

Cap'n Turbot: I never saw an Octo-Pup before!

Francois: Cousin! You forget I'm a penguin!

Cap'n Turbot: Oh calm down cousin! One of the genie pups might be able to change you back!

(scene changes to the pair arriving on Adventure Beach and walking toward Skye and Everest)

Cap'n Turbot: Hi girls, have you seen Mirage's family anywhere?

Everest: Over there Cap'n Turbot! But why are you with a penguin?

Francois: This penguin is me! Francois!

Skye and Everest: (surprised) Francois?

Skye: What happened to you?

Francois: Some pup with octopus legs did this to me!

Cap'n Turbot: From what I saw, the Octo-Pup was scared!

Everest: Octo-Pup?

(Cap'n Turbot reveals a photo)

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