Aqua Pups: Minor Trouble in Puplantis

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(scene opens to the genie pups on a familiar island with Mason who opened a portal allowing Clover and Midnight to visit from their separate universe)

Melody: (hugs them both) I missed you both!

Midnight: (giggles) we're so lucky Mason could let us talk to each other anytime in private at least!

Clover: Yep!

(scene changes to the next morning when Midnight and Clover walk through a portal back to their realm before it closes)

Clover and Midnight: See you guys next time!

Melody, Venus, and Wildfire: You too!

Mason: (nods) Until we meet again.

Hex: (yawns) I wish something interesting would happen.

Mason: (looks out into the ocean and to see something) (shouts) Strange whale on the horizon!

Melody: (looks out at sea) Uh? Mason, that's the Whale Patroller.

Mason: Oops. My mistake!

Hex: Whale Patroller? Sounds like they might be visiting Puplantis! (sneaks off)

Sound: (splashing sound)

Venus: You hear something?

Mason: Just something going into the water.

Venus: (looks around) Where's my daughter?

Mason: (looks) Uh? Found her!

Venus: (shouts) Hex! What are you doing?

Hex: I'm seeing why the Whale Patrollers headed to Puplantis! (dives underwater)

Venus: Wait up dear! (follows her daughter)

Melody: Mason? Can you follow them?

Mason: (walks over wearing an updated diving suit) No problem!

Melody: Let's just say the rest of us would like a chance to rest for a while.

Mason: (shrugs) Sure! I have no trouble diving deep! (leaps into the ocean to follow the two genie pups)

(scene changes to inside the Whale Patroller)

Everest: Ryder this Whale Patroller mode is still the coolest thing I've ever seen!

Ryder: (chuckles) Thanks Everest!

(someone is hit with the Whale Patroller)

Chase: (shouts) Ryder we hit something!

Everest: More like someone! (points)

Ryder and Pups: (surprised) Mason?

Mason: Ahoy! Uh? Permission to come aboard?

Ryder: Sure Mason!

(Mason comes aboard)

Mason: Thanks guys!

Chase: What were you doing down here?

Mason: Looking for Hex!

Zuma: She's the little green genie pup right?

Mason: (nods) She decided to swim when we saw you Whale Patroller swim past an island we were visiting! Oh! And Venus is down here too!

Rocky: Sounds like something might be happening later!

(scene changes to the pups in scuba gear exiting the Whale Patroller to visit Coral)

Coral: It's great seeing you pups again! Hi Everest!

Everest: (giggles) Hi Coral!

Coral: (notices Mason) I see you guys had a stowaway?

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