Mission Paw: A Werepuppy in Barkingburg

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(scene opens to Katie and her pup Gasket being entering the castle of Barkingburg since the princess invited them over)

Princess of Barkingburg: (excited) Katie, Gasket! I'm happy you arrived!

Earl of Barkingburg: Indeed welcome both of you!

Sound: (elevator)

Earl of Barkingburg: Was that an elevator?

Katie: I think so!

(throne rises revealing an elevator underneath)

Earl of Barkingburg: (surprised) Where'd that come from?

(elevator opens before Mason and Mirage step out)

Princess of Barkingburg: (surprised) Mirage! Where's your mom?

Mirage: No worries princess, the rest of my family are enjoying the beach in Adventure Bay and I asked mom if it was okay if I went off on my own for a while!

Mason: Until she bumped into me and both of us decided to come here!

Mirage: (claps her paws making the elevator go down and vanish as if it never existed) There we go!

Earl of Barkingburg: Where'd that elevator lead to?

Mirage: Magical shortcut to Adventure Bay but now gone.

(scene changes to Mirage playing with Gasket before Sweetie walks over)

Sweetie: Mirage I didn't expect to see you! (notices Gasket) Who are you?

Gasket: I'm Gasket! And you?

Sweetie: Sweetie future queen of Barkingburg!

Gasket: (eye rolls) Yeah right! I know we just met but I can tell you're just the princess's pup!

Mirage: Yep!

Sweetie: Mirage! Couldn't you have claimed I was queen!

Mirage: (shrugs) Maybe! Hey any chance you two wanna see my personal photo album?

Gasket and Sweetie: (surprised) Photo album?

Mirage: (nods) Wanna see it?

Gasket and Sweetie: (shrugs) Sure! Why not!

Mirage: (pulls a photo album out of her fez) Ah ha! Got it!

(scene changes to all three pups lying on their bellies to look at the photo album where nobody would step on them)

Gasket: Hm? Interesting pictures!

Sweetie: (notices a photo) Wait! You lifted a blue whale and rode on it!

Mirage: (nods) Yep!

Gasket: Impressive! (notices something) What's this one?

Mirage: Oh! That from the time I turned Everest and Marshall into werepuppies!

Gasket and Sweetie: Werepuppy?

Mirage: (tells them what she heard from Otis Goodway)

Gasket and Sweetie: Whoa! That's quite a story you heard from someone!

Mirage: Yep! I bet if there was one around here it would really scare folks!

Sweetie: (quietly to self) Scare folks? Interesting!

Gasket: You wanna have Mirage make you a werepuppy to scare folks don't you?

Sweetie: I would never dream of it!

Gasket: Yeah right! I was a bad biker pup before I met Katie!

Sweetie: You also dislike the Paw Patrol?

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