Paw Patrol: Moby's High Tech Grand Mansion

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(scene opens to Junk Island where Moby is bumping into piles of junk before tripping forward)

Moby: Oof! (annoyed) This place is getting cluttered again, I wish there was more space here!

Aqua: (walks out from behind a pile of junk) So why don't you?

Moby: (surprised) Aqua, what are you doing here?

Aqua: Just came over for a visit? So why don't you make more space?

Moby: Why would I litter!?

Aqua: I never said dump this trash into the water, I meant to use it to expand Junk Island!

Moby: How can I do that?

Aqua: You'd need something that would enable you to expand the island such as something artificial or natural?

Moby: Say, could I borrow one of those brain booster headbands?

Aqua: (unsure) I guess? But no betraying me, understood?

Moby: (gently puts his paw on her cheek) (calmly) Why would I betray you?

Aqua: Hm? I guess it'd be okay if I loaned you one! (reaches into her fur and pulls out a brain booster headband)

McSquidly: (walks over clapping)

(Aqua puts the brain booster headband on Moby and turns it on)

Moby: (eyes widen) I feel even smarter than before! With this loaned knowledge, I can recycle this junk and create a high tech grand mansion!

Aqua: Why not throw in a trading port and dock?

Moby: Not a bad idea Aqua!

Aqua: While making it eco friendly!

Moby: True, that would be a wise idea! So let's do it, McSquidly!

McSquidly: (claps)

(several days later)

(Junk Island is now covered by a high tech grand mansion which includes a trading port and dock)

Moby: I must admit, this was a brilliant idea! Making this high tech grand mansion around the island! (looks at Aqua) Thank you for summoning those support beams! (curiously) What were they made of?

Aqua: Natural stone that won't pollute the sea!

Moby: Excellent idea, Aqua! (looks around) I guess we did pretty well!

Aqua: Unless someone objects to this high tech grand mansion being here!

Moby: (nods) (lets Aqua turn off the brain booster headband) So you wanna look around?

Aqua: Sure! (giggles)

Moby: (unknowingly drops the brain booster headband as he walks off with Aqua)

McSquidly: (picks up the brain booster headband and decides to try it on himself)

(scene changes to Coral and Rocky approaching Junk Island)

Coral: Thanks for letting me come with you to Junk Island, Rocky!

Rocky: I'm glad you could tag along Coral!

(the twosome approach finding Junk Island replaced with a high tech grand mansion)

Coral: (surprised) Whoa! This is Junk Island?

Rocky: (surprised) It was... but I have no idea where this mansion came from?

Coral: Hm? I wonder how it got here?

Rocky: (looks over finding a trading port and dock) I must admit the trading port and dock are actually a nice touch!

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