Rescue Knights: Awakening the Dragon Pups

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(scene opens to the ancient past of the first genie pup queen who is with her guards against dragon pups who were ransacking her kingdom and its inhabitants for no reason at all)

Genie Pup Queen: I order to speak with your leader!

(a pinkish dragon pup with a crown flies down)

Dragon Pup Queen: Who dares to speak with the queen!

Genie Pup Queen: I do! The genie pup queen!

Dragon Pup Queen: (mocking) Ha! With our affinity to the elements of nature none of you stand a chance!

Genie Pup Queen: Fine! (raises her scepter) I wish to banish all you dragon pups from this plane of existence until someone decides to break my never ending mystic seal with an old boot!

Dragon Pup Queen: (upset and shocked) What!?

(all the dragon pups glow before forcibly being magically sucked into a normal cave which was enchanted to contain all of them)

Dragon Pup Queen: (struggling to hold her ground as she is pulled by the suction) (angry) Mark my words husky, I may take an eternity or two but my descendants will make yours pay if we ever escape! (hit in the head with the scepter) (annoyed) Okay, that was just childish!

Genie Pup Queen: Ransacking our home was just cruel!

Dragon Pup Queen: (growls) (in head) She could have a point? (pulls into the cave with the rest of her kind) (startled) Gah!

(the cave is mystically sealed with a rock which will only be broken if hit with an old boot)

Genie Pup guard: My queen, how do you know they will be sealed away for good?

Genie Pup Queen: What are chances some fool will hit that seal with an old boot?

Genie Pup guard: (unsure) I guess you have a point there?

Genie Pup Queen: Now that they are all sealed away, I'd say this is a time to celebrate peace and posterity!

(the genie pups of the past along with the first genie pup queen celebrate before scene changes to present day in Barkingburg in the Dragon Highlands with the Duke of Flappington, Claw, Sparks, and Jean-Claude who are unknowingly in front of the very same sealed cave)

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) My cousin has invited Ryder and those pesky pups along with Mason who brought along those genie pups Melody and Mirage!

Claw: (gnawing on an old boot) Yep, not sure how we can beat them!

Duke of Flappington: (notices) Claw, why are you gnawing on that old boot?

Claw: (shrugs) I found it lying around, someone must have left it behind upon seeing a dragon around here! I must admit, not such a bad thing to chew on!

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) Give me that!

Claw: Hey!

Duke of Flappington: You look like a fool gnawing on that old boot, besides who knows how long it's been here! (throws the old boot at the rock of the sealed cave)

Sound: (cracking)

Duke of Flappington: (surprised) What was that!?

(all four look back finding a big rock glowing before it instantly turns to dust that vanishes into thin air)

Claw: What was that all about?

Female voice: Someone finally opened the sealed exit?

(four odd pups calmly exit)

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