Rescue Knights: The Duke and the Queen Genie Pup

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(scene opens up to the Duke of Flappington's eagle jet flying toward Adventure Bay with the Duke of Flappington, Claw, and Jean-Claude aboard)

Claw: How come I had to leave Sparks back in Barkingburg?

Duke of Flappington: For one, Sparks would draw too much attention to us besides would you rather have the Paw Patrol coming along to ruin everything!

Claw: Fine! (confused) But why do we even need those three pup genie bottles anyway?

Duke of Flappington: Okay! I admit even I don't know! I was hoping those three genie bottles could lead us to something big that could aid us against those meddling pups!

Claw: Meh! They can't blame us for anything if we don't even know what we're doing.

(scene changes to the eagle jet parking outside of Adventure Bay)

Duke of Flappington: Here we are the home of that pesky Paw Patrol!

Claw: Why'd we park so far?

Duke of Flappington: There was nowhere we could land in Adventure Bay where it wouldn't attract much attention!

Duke of Flappington: If anyone asks we simply claim we're lost and looking for a costume party.

Claw: Really? That's the best idea you can come up with?

Duke of Flappington: You try coming up with something better!

Mirage's voice: Yeah Claw!

Duke of Flappington and Claw: (gasp) Mirage! What are you doing here?!

Mirage: Visiting my friends! While my two sisters are exploring the jungle with some friends.

Claw: Sisters? I thought you only had cousins?

Mirage: Skye mentioned the idea after Sweetie released Elastica!

Duke of Flappington: I still can't believe she wouldn't help!

Claw: Yeah!

Mirage: (giggles) Oh that! She had earplugs in her ears so she couldn't hear you!

Duke of Flappington: (shouts) What!

Claw: (surprised) Oh! So that's why she didn't grant any more wishes for the duke! I admit that was clever!

Mirage: (nods in agreement) So explain yourselves!

Claw: Fine we watched to check out those three genie bottles just to see if we'd find something!

Mirage: Not too much help since all three pup genies are freed! But they do look pretty.

Claw: So what do you plan to do with us?

Mirage: Stay outta trouble! And I'm at least telling Ryder you three are in Adventure Bay!

Mirage: Wait?! Where's Sparks?

Claw: Oh that, the duke here suggested we leave him back in Barkingburg!

Mirage: (shrugs) Honestly you could've used him to distract the Paw Patrol while you swiped the bottles. (walks away)

Claw: Hm! You know Duke of Flappington, she does prove a fair point!

Duke of Flappington: I know! (sighs) But those pup genies are very powerful!

Claw: That's true! Too bad I eavesdropped and overheard them talk about how they were the only ones left in existence since the others were erased forever by a mean man!

Duke of Flappington: Oh! I'd best not ask about their past since it must be quite personal.

(scene changes to the Duke of Flappington and Claw entering the Adventure Bay Museum while Jean-Claude waits outside)

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