Paw Patrol: Ride on the Ruff-Ruff Express

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(scene opens to the Dizzy Dust Express train station where a crowd of people including the Paw Patrol have gathered)

Everest: (walks over) Wow! The Dizzy Dust Express looks very impressive!

Mirage: (walks over) (yawns)

Rocky: Something up Mirage?

Mirage: (shrugs) Just a little sleepy, (yawns) mom and I went out for a moonlight swim together but neither of us went to bed!

Mason: (walks over) (pets Mirage) Melody decided to rest in her bed, but Mirage refused!

Mirage: I'm magical, I don't need to sleep! (yawns)

Mason: (gently pets Mirage) Even magical folks should get some sleep girl!

Marshall: Yeah Mirage, you should get some rest!

Mirage: (yawns) Maybe you're right guys! (walks off) I'm finding somewhere peaceful to sleep!

Mayor Goodway: (to crowd) Welcome everyone! (eagerly) I can't wait to ride on the Dizzy Dust Express!

Ryder: You sure seem excited, Mayor Goodway?

Mayor Goodway: Indeed I am Ryder, I feel like nothing can go wrong today!

Mason: (concerned expression)

(scene switches to behind the train station where the Ruff-Ruff Pack including Sandy arrive)

Hubcap: Sure a lot of folks gather for some train!

Dwayne: Oh boy, a train! Choo! Choo!

Sandy and Gasket: (giggles)

Dwayne: (sighs) I wish we could ride it!

Hubcap: Why ride it when we can take it! Come on Ruff-Ruff Pack we've gotta train to catch!

Sandy: No shouting our group name!

Hubcap: (annoyed) Why not?

Sandy: (points to the Paw Patrol) The Paw Patrol are here!

Hubcap: (realizes) Oh!

Gasket: Seems like a good reason to me!

Sandy: Let's just be sneaky about getting aboard!

Gasket: So does anybody here know how to drive a train?

Sandy: (raises her paw)

Gasket: (surprised) You can drive a train, Sandy?

Sandy: Mason helped train me to drive anything in the realm his elemental brawler friends call home!

Gasket: Hm, very interesting?

Sandy: (remembers) Oh, Mirage and her mom went out for a moonlight swim so chances are Mirage might be somewhere sleeping!

Dwayne: What about Melody?

Sandy: The elemental brawlers let her sleep in their headquarters, they let all us magic pups call that place home! Even my dad!

Gasket: (confused) I thought you said your dad passed away?

Sandy: (nods) He did, but the elemental brawler leader kindly revived my dad plus made him immortal!

Dwayne: Aww! How nice, you have your mom and dad together again!

Sandy: (smiles and nods)

Hubcap: Enough talk about family, we've got a train to take!

Sandy: Next I suppose you're planning to renaming the Dizzy Dust Express to the Ruff-Ruff Express?

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