Paw Patrol: Finding Several more Sunstones

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(scene opens to Mason using his phone to scan the sunstone in the genie pup empire while Angel sits nearby to watch)

Angel: So Mason, do you think you'd be able to find any more of these sunstones?

Mason: (brings up a holographic map of the Paw Patrol universe revealing at least four other locations with traces of the same magic in the sunstone) Looks like there could be at least a total of five in existence including this one!

Angel: (nods) I'm coming with you! But first! (levitates the sunstone over to herself then swallows it) (pats her still petite belly) Never know if it might glow brighter when we're near another one!

Mason: (nods) True! (checks his map) Four different spots around the world! (to Angel) Up from some adventure girl?

Angel: (giggles) Like the rest of my family, I love a good adventure!

Mason: (smiles and nods) First stop, Pinecone Forest!

(scene changes to Everest and Jake providing tourist a guided tour at Pinecone Forest)

Everest: Kinda feels nice being back here, doesn't it Jake?

Jake: Sure does, minus the rockslide thing!

Everest: (nods) Yep!

Sound: (rustling)

Female Tourist: What was that?

Jake: (unsure) I'm not sure dudes?

(Mason crawls out of the bushes wearing a red fox suit while sniffing the ground)

Everest: (surprised) Mason? What are you doing?

Angel: (follows Mason out of the bushes) We're just seeing if we can locate any more sunstones!

Everest: Wait, do you mean like the one from the jungle?

Angel: (nods) (barfs it up)

Everest: (confused) Um?

Angel: Just something to assist in our special search! Also it's safe and sound in my stomach!

Tourists: Oh! Pretty! (takes photos)

Jake: So what's so special about this sun shaped rock dudette?

Angel: Would you like to show him Everest?

Everest: Sure! (sits on the sunstone before her paws glow teal)

Jake: Whoa! Do you have your powers back, Everest?

Everest: Kinda! (exhales and creates a wall of snow several feet away from everyone)

Tourists: (amazed) Wow!

Angel: How about thinking of Marshall's fiery power?

Everest: (does that before her paws glow red) Ooh! (raises her front paws generating a fireball) (surprised) Whoa!

Angel: (calmly) Everest, Might I suggest through it at the snow wall!

Everest: (unsure) I hope nothing bad happens! (fires the fireball at the wall of snow melting instantly) (notices) Wow! (gets off and her paws stop glowing) (touches it again and her paws glow teal then takes it off) Still super cool!

Jake: Wow! Is that like a meteor?

Angel: Let's just say it's got unlimited magic! (explains)

Everest: Why are you looking for more?

Angel: Don't want them to fall into the wrong hands!

Everest: (nods) Good point!

Angel: (swallowed the sunstone again)

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