Paw Patrol: Moby Dungeoned

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(scene opens to Moby patiently waiting underwater where he is waiting for Aqua and McSquidly for their annual visit to the elemental brawler's realm)

Moby: It'll be nice to visit their apartment in siren pup city again!

(a net is thrown over Moby and ensnares him)

Moby: (surprised) (shouts) Hey!? Who did this!?

(Coral swims over with several Mer-pups)

Coral: Sorry Moby, but the Mer-pups and I have declared you've become a true threat to the ocean due to you being near those siren pups!

Moby: (shocked) What!? Why do you think it's like that?

Coral: Sorry but it's true! We're locking you up in Puplantis dungeon!

Moby: (surprised) Puplantis has a dungeon?

Coral: We found it a few days ago! And that's exactly where we're putting you!

Moby: (upset) No fair!

Coral: Come one ladies, let's lock him up!

(Coral and the mer-pups carry away Moby who is unable to escape the net)

Moby: Someone help!

(several a hour later Aqua swims to Moby's previous location to find only McSquidly waiting)

Aqua: Hi McSquidly! (unsure) Do you know where Moby is?

McSquidly: (shakes head)

Aqua: (concerned) I hope he's okay? (opens a portal that she and McSquidly swim through arriving in siren pup city before the portal closes behind them without a drop of water coming through)

Marina: (walks over) Nice to see you've arrived! (notices Moby's not here) Where's Moby dear?

Aqua: (unsure) I'm not sure mom!

Marina: I hope he's okay? We enjoy it when we invite him and McSquidly over to our apartment in this nice place!

(scene changes to an upset Moby in the dungeon)

Moby: It's still not fair that you accuse me of being a true threat to the ocean!

Coral: (looks away) I'm sorry, but you're too much trouble to have roaming around Moby by being with the siren pups!

Moby: (glares) And you're supposed to be a good pup!

Coral: The mer-pups and I are simply doing what's best for the whole ocean!

Moby: You can't keep me locked up forever!

Coral: (shrugs) For now anyway!

(scene changes to a couple hours later where Moby still hasn't arrived)

Aqua: (concerned) Why isn't Moby called?

McSquidly: (worriedly freaking out)

Marina: Dear, you try to calm McSquidly! I'll get some help investigating what happened to him!

Aqua: (nods) I understand mom! (hugs McSquidly in an attempt to calm him down) There, there, McSquidly, my mom is gonna ask some friends to help find Moby!

McSquidly: (embraces Aqua's comforting hug)

Aqua: I'd be happy to keep hugging for as long as you like!

McSquidly: (hugs Aqua)

Aqua: You're welcome!

(scene changes to the beach where Marina locations Mason relaxing with several female siren pup shadow guards along with Blizzard and Frostbite)

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