Aqua Pups: Moby the Temporary Siren Pup

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(scene opens to Junk Island where Moby is being visited by Marina and Aqua who swim over in their Mer-pup forms)

Moby: (surprised) Girls, I didn't expect to see you today!

Marina: Like our genie pup cousins, we enjoy a chance to make entrances!

Aqua: (nods) Yep!

Moby: (nervously) Marina, I wanted to ask you something?

Marina: (curiously) What is it dear?

Moby: (begging) Is there any way for me to be a true siren pup!

Marina: (surprised) How come?

Moby: Ever since we met, I've found your kind to be fascinating!

Marina: (blushing) Thank you dear!

Moby: I beg you, is there any way for me to be a true one?

Marina: Hm? How about you do something for me and I'll let you temporarily be a true siren pup!

Moby: (surprised) You mean it!?

Marina: (nods) You have my word as the siren pup queen, Moby!

Moby: (hugs Marina) Thank you! (realizes) Wait, what do you want me to do anyway?

Marina: That's simple, just bring me back a pearl from Puplantis!

Moby: (confused) How come?

Marina: (shrugs) I'm just curious about what they taste like?

Moby: I'll do my best! Come along McSquidly!

(both depart in the Moby Mobile)

Aqua: Will you really do that mom?

Marina: (opens her mouth and pulls the Mind Reader Conch out of her stomach) I'll keep my end of the bargain, but I used this to hear his thoughts, even if it was in my stomach!

Aqua: What'd Moby think about doing?

Marina: He was just planning to show off his powers and try to stop the festivities from under the sea in Puplantis!

Aqua: Wait!? We can already read minds, why did you borrow the Mind Reader Conch from Mason?

Marina: I was curious to see how it worked sweetie! (pets her daughter)

Mason's voice: Ahoy girls!

(Mason walks out of the water wearing crocodile suit)

Marina: (waves) Hi Mason! (tosses him the Mind Reader Conch) Thanks again for letting me borrow it!

Mason: No sweat, girl! (flash of light) (now in a flying fish suit) Well I'm off to spend some time with Breeze and Stormy! Bye girls, I've gotta fly! (swims before taking flight)

Marina: (smiles) It was nice to see our buddy again!

Aqua: (smiles) Yeah! (nuzzles her mom)

(scene changes to Moby and McSquidly sneaking toward the castle trying to avoid being seen)

Moby: We're almost there McSquidly! Try to avoid being seen)

Coral's voice: Moby, what are you doing?

Moby: (looks over) (surprised) Coral, what are you doing here?

Coral: This is Puplantis, what are you up to this time?

Moby: What's wrong with taking a peaceful swim around the castle!

Coral: (unsure) Hm?

Moby: Well gotta go! (swims away with McSquidly)

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