Paw Patrol: Approaching a guardian of Several Magical Creation Scrolls

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(scene opens to Mason's realm where he is busy enjoying the beach with Mirage, Eclipse, Spectra, and Melody)

Mirage: Such a great day for the beach, right guys?

Mason: Yep!

Female voice: (sad sighs)

Spectra: Who is sighing?

Mirage: (looks over) Oh! Terra!

Spectra: (confused) Terra?

Mason: She's the only golem pup left in existence!

Spectra: (tearfully) How sad!

Terra: (depressingly walks past) (notices) Oh hi guys!

Mason: (gets up) I should've done this long ago!

Terra: (confused) What's that?

Mason: We're getting your mother back among the living, today!

Terra: (surprised gasps)

Mason: We're headed to the undead universe!

Spectra: (curiously) Undead universe?

Melody: Just a whole universe where tons of spirits, monsters, undead creatures, the living, etc. hang out, basically it's a spooky spot!

Terra: Wait, do you mean I'll be reunited with my mommy?

Mason: I'm sorry for taking so long Terra, I should've done it on day one!

Terra: (squeals with joy) (happily) Yay!

Mason: I have to speak with my daughter Oracle first, so we know where to look!

Spectra: Mason, mind if I tag along?

Eclipse: You sure mom?

Spectra: We're immortal dear! (to Melody) Sis, can you babysit my daughter while I'm busy?

Melody: (smiles and nods) No sweat sis, I've babysit for the whole family and vice versa!

Spectra: (smiles) Thanks Melody! (to Eclipse) Sweetie, I'll be back soon as I can, okay?

Eclipse: (nods) Be safe mom!

Spectra: (smiles and nods) Always!

(one conversation with Oracle later before scene changes to the undead universe near a dark swamp)

Terra: (clinging to Mason's leg) You sure my mom's spirit is here?

Mason: (nods) My daughter Oracle is one of the best when it comes to things like this! (whistles) Golem pups, missing their daughter, come out please!

(a single female golem pup spirit emerges from the dark swamp)

Female Golem Pup Spirit: (gasps) Sweetie?

Terra: Mama?

Female Golem Pup Spirit: (tearfully) My baby girl!

(both try to embrace with a hug before realizing they can't touch)

Terra: Aww, we can't hug!

Mason: (uses his power and realizes this truly is Terra's mother) Allow me! (exhales a green mist that turns the Female Golem Pup Spirit into a inactive golem pup)

Terra: Mom?

Mason: Don't forget girl, you were like that too!

Terra: (remembers then nods)

Mason: (puts a drop of elemental energy into the inactive golem pups mouth)

Female Golem Pup: (eyes open) I'm alive!

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