Rescue Knights: Evershall's Tectonic Plate Twins

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Mason, Frostbite, Mirage, and Everest all coming over to have some fun with the Paw Patrol)

Skye: It's nice that you guys could all come over!

Everest: (chuckles) I'm so glad to visit guys!

Mirage: It's great to come visit you guys!

Mason: (pets Mirage and Frostbite) I can agree to that!

Frostbite: Me too! Even if Luna is helping her papa otherwise known as Claw

Chase: Wait, do you mean Luna as in the ifrit pup with gravity powers?

Frostbite: Yep!

Chase: (concerned) that could prove troubling!

Marshall: (walks over) Yeah! It could be even worse if the Ruff-Ruff Pack ifrit pup fungus is up to no good too!

Mirage: (chuckles) No need to worry about Fungus, he's taking a personal vacation with Gasket!

(scene changes to Adventure Beach where Fungus and Gasket are relaxing on the same beach towel side by side wearing nothing but sunglasses)

Gasket: Such a good day for visiting the beach, right Fungus!

Fungus: It sure is Gasket!

Mayor Goodway: (walks over) (crosses arms) What are both of you doing here?

Gasket: (lowers her sunglasses) (calmly) Easy Mayor Goodway, Fungus and I are just here to enjoy the beach together we're just taking a break from the naughty biker pup life for a few days!

Fungus: (nods) Yep!

Mayor Goodway: (crosses arms) Why should I believe either of you?

Gasket: (shrugs) Guess we could rate Foggy Bottoms beach being much better than Adventure Beach!

Mayor Goodway: (gasps) You wouldn't

Gasket: Could you please let me and my son stay here, we're just wanting to enjoy peace and quiet away from Hubcap for a few days!

Mayor Goodway: (sighs) Fine, just promise me you won't cause trouble while you're here?

Gasket: (nods) You have my word! But I can't say anything about Hubcap and Dwayne!

Fungus: (nods) Yep! You also have my word too!

Mayor Goodway: Just don't make me regret this, okay you two?

Fungus and Gasket: (nods before they resume sunbathing) Such a nice day for the beach!

Mayor Goodway: (walks away) Well Chickaletta, if those two aren't going to cause trouble maybe today will be a peaceful day!

Chickaletta: (clucks)

Mayor Goodway: (phone goes off revealing two pups in the museum stealing Avalanche's summoning candle) (looks back at Fungus who is relaxing) (politely) Pardon me Fungus, but do you know any ifrit pups that are black and purple?

Fungus: Sounds like Luna, she's got gravity powers and a few moon related powers too!

Mayor Goodway: (nods) Thank you! (rushes to the museum to find the twosome exiting with the stolen summoning candle) Hey! What do you two think you're doing!

Luna: Behold my mastery of gravity! (increases the gravity of Mayor Goodway's shoes)

Mayor Goodway: (tries moving her feet but can't) What did you do to me?

Luna: (snickers) I change the gravity of your shoes now they weigh as much as an elephant each!

Mayor Goodway: Yeesh, talk about a weight gaining program!

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