Paw Patrol: Ifrit Pup Chase

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(scene opens to the Ruff-Ruff Packs hideout where the Copycat approaches planning to make the biker pups help with his latest scheme)

Copycat: Ha! With my super powers those biker pups will have no choice but to follow my orders!

(the trio walk forward)

Hubcap: (annoyed) What do you want!?

Copycat: I order you three to help me against the Paw Patrol!

Hubcap: (scoffs) Why should we?

Copycat: that is an order!

Dwayne: (whimpering) Please leave us alone, mean kitty!

Copycat: Ha! You three have no chance against powers!

Gasket: I beg to differ! (whistles) Fungus!

Copycat: (confused) Who?

Male voice: Me!

Copycat: (looks back) (gasps) You're one of those ifrit pups!

Gasket: Son can you please remove him!

Fungus: (nods) Sure mom!

Copycat: (confused) Mom?

(scene changes further out in the desert)

Copycat's voice: (screaming)

Copycat: (comes falling onto the screen and uses his whirlwind powers to stop himself from having a crash landing) (looks back) That ifrit pup is stronger than he looks!

(Fungus and Gasket drive over on Fungus's motorcycle)

Gasket: Ha! With my ifrit pup son around, you can't mess with the Ruff-Ruff Pack anytime soon!

Mirage: (walks over) Yeah! Leave my biker buddies alone!

Copycat: (annoyed) Oh, it's you, Mirage!

Mirage: (growls) Leave them alone Copycat!

Copycat: (backs up) Say, how was this ifrit pup made?

Mirage and Gasket: (growls) Don't push it!

Copycat: (scoffs) Fine then! (leaves using his super speed)

Gasket: (shouts) And stay away!

Mirage: (nods) Agreed!

Gasket: What do you think he'll do this time?

Mirage: (looks at Copycat's dust cloud caused by his super speed) Trouble!

Gasket: I can agree with you on that! (curiously) Where's Mason anyway?

Mirage: He'll be here in a moment!

(a portal opens before Mason leaps through wearing the Golden Tiger Claws while a bear trap is on his foot)

(portal closes)

Gasket: (surprised) Whoa! Talk about a surprise entrance! (looks at his foot) (confused) Is that a bear trap?

Mason: (nods) Lucky for me, I had the dog and horse talismans so my foot's okay! (stomps on the bear trap breaking it with ease) Power of the ox!

Mirage: I'll take care of the debris! (makes the shattered bear trap vanish) I sent it to that recycling universe!

Mason: Nice one girl!

(scene changes to Copycat returning to Adventure Bay)

Copycat: (annoyed) Those pesky magic using pups

Mayor Goodway's voice: Welcome everyone, come and see the magic scrolls that provide the knowledge to make ifrit and genie pups in the museum!

Copycat: Make an ifrit pup? (cackles) Sounds like something I can use!

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