Big Truck Pups: A Ruff-Ruff Concert

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(scene opens to the Paw Patrol including Al setting up a stage for Luke Stars for his upcoming concert)

Mayor Goodway: (eagerly) I can't wait to see Luke Starts perform!

Mayor Humdinger: (walks over) You're not the only one eager to see him perform!

Mayor Goodway: (crosses arm) Are you planning to cause trouble again?

Mayor Humdinger: Of course not! Mason was quite generous and gave me one of his four tickets and all he asked was that I avoid causing trouble today!

Mayor Goodway: (confused) Four?

Mayor Humdinger: (shrugs) He's probably got one for Mirage and someone else!

Mason and Mirage: (walks over) I got Mirage and myself tickets and decided to get Mayor Humdinger one know he wanted to watch the show too!

Both Mayors: Who's the other ticket for?

Mirage: A friend of mine which I'm keeping secret!

Mason: I asked a friend to watch them so they're not lost!

Mirage: Yep! Mom promised to guard them while she watches the show from a safe location with everyone else!

Mayor Humdinger: (hugs Mason) Thank you so much for this Mason!

Mason: I thought it'd be a good way to keep you outta trouble!

Mayor Humdinger: (shrugs) Works for me!

Mason: Besides I heard rumors about someone else planning something!

Both Mayors: (surprised) What!?

Mason: (shrugs) Not sure who though, Oracle kept that part quiet!

Al's voice: Hi Mason, Mirage!

(the twosome look over and find Al waving at them)

Mirage and Mason: (waves back) Hi Al!

Al: Nice to see you good buddies!

Mirage: (giggles) You too, Al!

Al: (to Ryder) Well good buddies, I'm off to pick up Luke Stars and his speakers for the show!

Skye: Bye Al, see you at the show!

Al: (chuckles) I wouldn't miss it! (drives off in his big truck)

Chase: (walks over to Ryder) Well at least we know if Mayor Humdinger doesn't have any plans, then I doubt anyone else could ruin the show!

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack who overheard everything from nearby)

Hubcap: A concert, eh? It would be a wheel shame if the show was ruined!

Dwayne and Gasket: So it's time for some...?

All three: ...Wheel trouble!

(the trio race past the group setting up)

Ruff-Ruff Pack: (shouts) Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

Mayor Goodway: (annoyed) What do those three naughty pups want this time?

Chase: (walks over) If those three are around they're bound to be up to something?

Skye: (concerned) I hope they don't ruin the show?

Ryder: (walks over) Me too!

Mirage: (curiously) I wonder what my biker buddies are up to?

Everest: (walks over) Hi guys, am I early?

Marshall: Everest, it's great to see you again!

Everest: (giggles) You too! (curiously) So did I miss anything?

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