A Woman in White

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^^^^ This is Adri's car btw...

Adri ended up convincing Dean to go get Sam two days after their fight. He insisted on doing whatever she wanted the day before and honestly, that was probably one of the best days of their life. They played Go Fish, Rummy, monopoly, and baked treats for Dean to take with him to Stanford. They joked and laughed, had a few too many flour fights, and watched a little tv. They were both happy that day.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Dean looked at the girl who he had known and cared about since he was a kid. He knew there was no way to convince her to come with him but part of him hoped she would change her mind. For him.

"You know I can't. I wasn't even supposed to come on this hunt. I've got to get back. There's still a lot of work to be done. Bobby might just kill me for not manning the phones." They both laughed. The last time she ended up not taking care of the phones, Bobby was red in the face yelling about how it made him hunting a ghoul so much harder. Especially because this particular ghoul was attracted to middle-aged men, eating their wives. They had teased him for days afterward about having the hots for a ghoul.

"Besides Dean," she was standing next to him and placed her hand over his. Little actions like this were things they had done since they met. It was their own way of assuring each other that they cared and wanted to help each other. In this case, they both knew it meant she cared and was there for him if he needed it. " I have a feeling, you and Sam will be able to work it out. Be careful and if you need me, I'll call." She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He didn't seem to realize what she said until she had gotten into the car she'd taken from Bobby's scrapyard.

"Wait but," Dean knew she was good at figuring out what he was going to talk about or do, but he thought she was just really good at reading body language and knew his habits. How was she supposed to know if he needed help if she couldn't see him? But by the time he was done thinking this thought through, she was leaving. "I'll just call you, I guess." He watched as she drove away. "See ya later princess."

Adri smiled as she drove away, knowing exactly what he said. "Good luck my knight in shining denim."

It was here they parted ways. And it was here that everything they did became more dangerous. The tables turned and there was no going back. Had Adri gone with Dean, everything would have turned out differently. They would have bested every trial that was to come and it would have been too easy. They would have been ill-prepared for what they were destined to do. For what would inevitably happen. They had to be prepared. Adri knew that the reason she couldn't go with Dean was that it was something they would have to do on their own. She knew there was something she had to face on her own as well. But this was clouded from her vision. She knew it was big and she would have to be ready for anything.

So here is the story of Adri Jackson And the Winchesters.


Adri ended up driving 20 hours straight back to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She arrived at 10 in the morning, just barely making it to the phone that was ringing for FBI Agent Willis.

"Agent Willis here, how may I help you?" She answered, holding back a yawn.

"Yes, I've got an Agent Fergus here saying he was dispatched to work two murders in San Diego, California. Is this your Agent?" A man answered with many questions giving her a headache. She told him to wait a moment while she fetched his file.

Adri found the file Bobby had made with all the evidence and theories of his case. He was working on a possible tree-goblin burrow.

"An Agent Fergus, correct? "
"Yes ma'am." The man seemed to become more and more suspicious as the call lingered. Bobby would usually just call them 'idjits' and then confirm that the agent was theirs. Adri liked to make personal connections, be kind, and confirm in a way that tended to last longer.

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