Missing Someone

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Hey guys! I hope you all had a happy holiday and that this year will bring you happy tidings. Just a quick note, I'm hoping to update weekly but I can't promise anything since things are crazy here. Sorry, it's a shorter chapter but we will get to a good part soon! Love y'all❤️❤️

Adri remembered him. He knew she remembered him and therefore wasn't afraid to wait in the room for her to wake up. She was never one to sleep long, with Gabriel's interference or not. She woke naturally three hours later, roughly around four o'clock in the morning. When she did, she felt a little disoriented, not knowing when she fell asleep or when Gabby had come. 

   "Wh-what are you doing here Gabby?" Adri rubbed her eyes before looking at the clock. "I'd love to sit and chat but I need to get everything ready for a case." She jumped up and went to go to the bathroom before Gabriel placed his hand on her wrist. 

  "Remember the little time trick we used to do?" Adri nodded fondly, memories coming to mind. "Well, I've put it in place now my dear. We have all the time you need." 

  "O-ok. Well, what are you doing here Gabby?" Instead of sitting to talk, she pulled out another soda before leaning up against the small counter the tv was sitting on.

  "I heard you say you wanted back up. I'm here to help." Adri smiled warmly. "Besides, I know about your fight with Bobby. I knew you wouldn't be feeling too great. I brought," he snapped his fingers and a basket appeared in his hand. "Treats." Adri's eyes widen as she puts down her soda, running to the basket. 

  "Twix, Twizzlers, red vines, cotton candy, and dove chocolate!" Adri put the basket down before jumping to wrap her arms around his neck and bring him down for a hug. Gabriel smirked at her effort to hug him and decided to hunch slightly to make it easier. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She giggled and Gabriel smiled. He remembered how long it took anyone else to make her giggle. Adri noticed his wings were wrapped around her which he normally only did when there was danger nearby. She let go of him and looked him in the eye. 

  "No, that's not why you're here. What's going on?" He sighed.

  "You always could see through me, dear. Something is happening near here but I don't want you to worry about it just yet. I'm keeping my eye on it, focus on this case and I'm here if you need anything." Adri frowned, why couldn't anyone be honest with her?

  "Well, that's a real answer. I'm so glad someone is able to be honest with me." Her words dripped with sarcasm. 

 "Adri, trust me on this. Please." Gabriel looked her in the eyes, silently begging her to just take his word on this. 

  "It would be nice to not be alone. I suppose, but if it happens again I get to know." He nodded, relieved that she agreed.

  "So what have we got?" Adri grinned, realizing she had to fill him in. Her eyes glinted with mischief.

  "I'm pregnant." 


  After what felt like hours but no time had passed, she had him all caught up on her notes and the situation. For some reason, he couldn't get over the idea of Dean being the one to fake knock her up. 

  "So you haven't actually been knocked up? You're just faking it for the case?" Adri rolled her eyes at the angel.

  "You are a freakin' angel of the lord who has been keeping watch over me for what, seventeen years? Ever since my mom died I guess. But I'm pretty sure you'd know if I lost my virginity."  

  "Well yes, but sometimes I can block you out or you block me out. I wasn't entirely sure dear. By the way, I want to be the first you tell when it happens."

  "What, when I have sex?"

  "No, when you and winchie boy get together."

  "Which one?" Adri teased, knowing exactly who he meant.

  "You know damn well which one. The short muscle-y soldier boy."

  "I don't know what you're talking about." Gabriel scoffed.

  "I have watched you fall in love with that boy since before you knew what that word meant."

   "I've always known that word though. My mother and I loved each other. I knew what it meant." She defended.  Gabriel threw an arm around her shoulder and looked at the girl he thought of as a sister. 

  "You knew of a motherly love due to your lovely mum. You learned about the love of friendship from Sam. You learned the love of a father from Bobby. You have fallen in love with Dean my dear. And it's not like the others." As he spoke, Adri looked down. She knew exactly what he was talking about. She had always cared about Dean but he didn't care about her the same way. He never would. She knew that. 

  "He doesn't like me back. We need to get a move on. The girl who's been kidnapped is supposed to give birth in three days. "Adri sniffled, feeling the cold hit her. She went into the bathroom to shower as Gabriel flashed elsewhere for a few moments. She would never know where he went but he was careful.

    Adri stared into the mirror once she was done. She watched her hair drip water down her skin to the towel she had wrapped around her body. Adri noticed a shimmering in the mirror. Her head tilted slightly to her left and she reached to touch it. As soon as her fingertips skimmed the surface, her head began to pound. Images flashed through her vision as she doubled over the sink. Adri saw Dean when they were teenagers dancing in the backyard for Bobby's makeshift prom. She saw her and Sam sitting on the roof when she told him what was so special about her. She saw Dean learning how to drive the Impala. She saw Sam learning how to skip rocks with her. She saw her father when he had just gotten home from a long day of work. She saw Lee stuck on a wall, grinning. Adri heard a scream and felt Gabriel's hands gathering her hair just before whatever had been in her stomach left her body violently. As Adri hurled into the sink, she felt tears streaming down her face. She missed her boys. She really missed them. But she didn't think she had ever seen the last image. Her father was stuck against a wall, as if by a demon. 

  "It's ok. Everything's ok. Let it all out. 'Atta girl." Gabriel soothed. I don't really have a choice. Adri spat out the last bit and started the faucet. Gabriel muttered something about getting a glass of water for her and left the room. She gargled some water from the faucet and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste, feeling rather weak and dizzy. 

  "D-Did last night have something to do with my daddy? I just want my Dad back, Gabby. I want my m-mom." Adri broke down. Over the past year of her life, she had fought more with Bobby, Dean, and John. She had been left out of a lot of hunting trips that the fatherly figures decided she couldn't go. She had screamed at Bobby that he wasn't her father, he couldn't decide what was best for her anymore. It was the only time he was ever speechless. Later on, they blamed the outburst on hormones and little things but she knew her dad was out there. She could feel it, even with her powers being lessened, he was there. The man who had taken care of her as a baby, had tea parties, was a ballerina with her, and watched her mom make dinner. Everything. He can't just be gone.

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