Hook pt.1

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 If you're enjoying the story or have any ideas or questions, feel free to comment and I will get back to you ASAP. For this chapter, I have to put a TW!! because Adri will be experiencing PTSD pretty descriptively and if that is something that bothers you or affects you, please skip it. I will bolden the parts of the chapter that are more heavily descriptive to make it easier for you. XOXO

"I thought we were going to the party." A girl about Adri's age spoke, confused. She was sitting in the passenger seat of her boyfriend's car. Adri found herself in the backseat, still in her night clothes consisting of a tank top and low-rise flannel pants.

"Well, we can't arrive on time, Lori." The boyfriend stated, putting the car in park. Adri rolled her eyes at the absurd logic of the man. They were both about her age, college students. What they were doing parked in an isolated location or probably what they were intending to do in an isolated location was nothing Adri wanted to see.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you brought me to the 9-mile road on purpose, Rich." 'Lori' teased.

"What? I'm offended." He replied, feigning shock.

"Yeah, I'm sure." They exchanged a smile and began to kiss. Adri groaned just as Lori's cell phone rang and they reluctantly break away. Adri glanced over their shoulders to see it was her dad calling.

"You wanna get that?" Rich asked.

"Please get that," Adri begged at the same time Lori replied, "Definitely not." She shut the ringer off and moved to resume kissing her boyfriend.

"Damn it," Adri spent a minute looking down at her body. It was the same shimmery almost see-through appearance she'd had when she had fought Bloody Mary, although those memories were still very foggy. Her memory had been unpleasantly jogged from the torture session with the shapeshifter and since then she'd been experiencing flashbacks from times she had taken on this form in multiple situations. She had flashbacks of fighting a wendigo, swimming to save a drowning boy, and being attacked by Mary.

"No." Adri was snapped out of her thoughts by Lori. She watched the two, confused as to what Lori had rejected.

"It's ok." Lori looked uncomfortable as Rich continued kissing her neck and slipping his hand under her strap. She looks even more uncomfortable and pulls away.

"Oh hell no," Adri stated as she realized what Rich was doing. But before she could do anything, they heard a loud screeching noise.

"What was that?" Lori asked, looking around her window trying to locate the sound.

"I don't know." Rich and Adri answered. The hunter fought to move her hands to open the door but some force was fighting her. They heard the same sound again which led to Rich getting out of the car.

"No! Rich, no!" Lori exclaimed. Adri, still fighting the force, twisted her body to watch the brave but stupid college boy. He was looking around when he heard more screeching. He turned to see a long scratch being made on the side of his car. "What the hell?"

Adri was finally seeing what was making the sound. A large man wearing old and worn sailor apparel with a long hook for a hand was staring at Rich.

"Leave him alone!" Adri fought harder, recognizing the determined glint in the spirit's eyes. He was going to kill Rich. She could hear Lori speaking to her boyfriend but couldn't make out what she was saying. But the hooked sailor struck the back tire, causing it to immediately go flat. Lori screamed as the sailor and Rich disappeared.

"Damn it!" Adri finally got control of her body enough to move to the front seat of the car, rolling the windows up and locking the car as Lori curled up on the ground in front of the passenger seat.

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