A Nightmare

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Adri was running through the forest, branches whipping her exposed skin. The shorts and green t-shirt were what she always wore camping. But she wasn't camping. She was running to the city. An instinct pushed her there. Often, they were gentle instincts. Reminders to do what she had already planned. But this was different. She never planned to end up in this forest, mapless, clueless, and racing time. Yet she knew she was looking for him. Something was seriously wrong. She didn't know what but he needed her. Or at least her help.

She found the worn path that she knew was the one to follow. Driven by determination, she ran as fast as she could, breathing heavily. There was no noise around but her breathing and feet pattering against the ground. There should have been crickets chirping or birds singing. But it was dead silent.

At the end of the path, there was a log cabin. A little boy was playing out front with a toy truck. There was a family van in the driveway. Two parents sat on the porch, rigid and defensive. Demons. Adri had to think quickly. What would Sam do? She unsheathed her dagger, bracing herself for the fight.

A stick broke behind her and she jerked around, shoved the tall figure against a tree, dagger at his throat. She looked up and it was him.

"So, little Adri followed me. Does Sam know you're here?" His voice was emotionless, and his smirk wasn't playful or teasing. It was snarky. Since he succeeded in distracting her, he headbutted her before knocking the dagger out of her hand and spinning around pinning her to the tree. "Does he know you're here?!"

She whimpered, feeling so clueless. "N-no, h-he doesn't. Please d-don't hurt me." He grinned at the fear radiating from her. But he had more questions.

"What are you doing here little one?" He growled, pushing the knife into her neck slightly more. Adri blushed a little before yelping at the added pressure.

"I-I had to find you. I had o-one of my feelings. T-The weird ones.-"

"Yeah? What did your pathetic feelings say?"

"Please stop hurting me! Wh-what happened to you?" Dean smirked before his eyes flashed black.

"The mark turned me into a demon little one. If you wanted to live, you should've kept your distance."

"B-but I was supposed to help you!" He didn't like hearing that but before he could do anything, she brought her knee up, twisted his wrist causing him to drop the dagger, and she put distance between the two of them.

"Dean, we need to move on. Deals need to be made, souls collected. What are you- oh." Crowley waltzed out the cabin and noticed what was happening."Dearie, we meet again." He winked at Adri who didn't lose concentration this time and her alert eyes never left Dean.

"Come on squirrel, leave the chipmunk alone. She can even come with, if you'd like."

Adri scowled at that, pulled out her pistol, and aimed at Crowley. "Dean come on, this isn't you. It's-"

"It's what Adri? It's a spell? A hex, curse, illusion? Truth is, I'm a demon. You, Sam, and Cas need to stop looking for me. You won't like what you'll see."

"Oh yeah? What's that? You being more moody? Dean, we're best friends. Sam is your brother. Cas is, well, he's Cas. And we love him for it. But we love you, we're never going to stop looking."

"Never? Sam would. Sam has.-"

"No, you don't get to use that. He was alone with no way to search for you or Kevin." It was another second before Dean lunged at her, knife plunging into her stomach.

"You can't tell me what I can or can't do. You can't save me, princess," he spat. His eyes twinkled darkly. "You can't even save yourself."

Adri crippled to the ground, holding the knife in her stomach for pressure. Crowley seemed to pity her but still left behind Dean.

"Dean! D! Please! Please don't leave..." she cried out, fighting to not lose more blood. But they left her.

"C-Cas. Please help me." She murdered before falling into a dangerous sleep.

Gabriel touched Adri's forehead, wiping the memory of her dream to be. She ceased thrashing in her sleep, peacefully curling up on her side.

"Sleep little one. Do not worry about him. You'll protect him." He consoled.

hey guys! I'm so sorry about the very late and very short update. I have been struggling in one of my classes and haven't had time to write up another chapter for this story. Anyway comment below on what you think of the story, where you want it to go, warning that the next update will be a childhood memory so what do you guys want to see? Love you❤️❤️

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